Holston Presbytery Camp in Banner Elk Will Offer an After-School Camp for 9 Weeks

Holston Presbytery Camp in Banner Elk will offer an After-School Camp from 1:30 pm-5:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and from 7:30 am-5:30 pm on Wednesdays. This fits with the current 2020 Avery County School in-class schedule. The camp is offered only to K-5 Elementary school children. Cost is $900 for the 9-week semester. Enrollment is limited.
As with Holston’s Student Day Camp, the After-School Camp will provide supervised homework time as well as free-play and other on-site activities. An afternoon snack will be served. Participants will be required to wear a face covering, observe social distance, and wash hands as required by CDC guidelines.
Because Avery Schools are adopting a four-day, in-class school week with Wednesdays scheduled for “Virtual Learning” out of class, Holston After-School Camp can provide day care after classes at 1:30 and a full day of supervision on Wednesdays. 
Students may arrive at class by school bus, parent/guardian delivery, or be shuttled by a Holston van from Banner Elk Elementary School if there is adequate demand. 
Parents may enroll on the Holston website at www.HolstonCenter.org. Call 844-465-7866 for information.
Holston Presbytery Camp and Retreat Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry of Holston Presbytery, Inc. www.HolstonPresbytery.org of east Tennessee, PC (USA). www.pcusa.org