High Country United Way provides information about Hurricane Harvey disaster relief efforts:
It is in times of need that we discover the full impact of a community United. As Hurricane Harvey wreaks havoc on homes and communities across Southeastern Texas and Southwestern Louisiana—producing up to 50 inches of rain in some areas—United Ways across the region are helping families face devastating losses from the historic flooding with an eye toward long-term recovery. Whether by raising funds to aid in relief efforts, engaging first-responders or mobilizing partners to help with on-the-ground long-term recovery, United Ways offer hope and help when it is most needed.
If you would like to help these local efforts, High Country United Way is providing the following information for your assistance. Funds have been, or are being, established to help with both the short-term needs and the longer-term rebuilding efforts. You can learn more about how and where you can donate to help those impacted by this natural disaster by going to the following link on your computer, http://www.unitedway.org/harvey , or going to the Hurricane Harvey Relief site on HCUW’s website at http://highcountryunitedway.org .
You may also mail a check designated for Hurricane Harvey disaster relief to High Country United Way at PO Box 247, Boone, NC 28607 or make a credit card donation through Pay Pale on our website http://highcountryunitedway.org with Hurricane Harvey disaster relief noted in the “special instructions” box. Our Board of Director’s allocation committee will direct those donations to the appropriate local United Way’s in the affected areas.
If you have questions, please call our office at 828-265-2111 or email info@highcountryunitedway.org . LIVE UNITED!
WNC Red Cross Volunteers Deployed to Texas, Assisting with Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort

The American Red Cross is working around the clock along the Gulf Coast to help the thousands of people whose lives have been devastated by Tropical Storm Harvey.
Thousands of people have been forced to leave their flooded homes, losing everything they own – and more rain and flooding is expected throughout the week. It is anticipated that many more families will be impacted.
Almost 1,000 Red Cross volunteers from all over the country are on the ground, working to provide safe shelter and comfort to people impacted by this devastating storm.
“We’re thankful for the dedication of volunteers who are willing to help those in need, both during a major disaster such as Harvey and here at home every day,” said Angela Broome Powley, regional CEO for the Red Cross of Western North Carolina. “If you would like to volunteer with the Red Cross, you can visit redcross.org to learn more about the many volunteer opportunities and how to submit a volunteer application. This would allow you to not only to deploy to assist those in need, but also help when smaller disasters like home fires happen in our community”.
We know Americans are generous and want to do everything they can to help after a disaster. Unfortunately, collecting and sending food, clothing and other household items often does more harm than good. It takes time and money to store, sort, clean and distribute donated items, which diverts limited time and resources away from helping those most affected. Instead, the best way to support disaster victims is with a financial donation.
The Red Cross has launched a massive response to this devastating storm and needs financial donations to be able to provide immediate disaster relief. Help people affected by Hurricane Harvey by visiting redcross.org, calling 1- 800-RED CROSS or texting the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
Donations enable the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from this disaster.
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