Steve Morse To Present at High Country Host’s Annual Tourism Meeting June 24

The North Carolina High Country Host 28th annual Tourism Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 24 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock.

The meeting is open to chamber members from Ashe, Alleghany, Avery, Watauga and Wilkes counties, as well as local town council members, TDA boards, town managers and mayors.


The meeting will feature special guest speaker Steve Morse, Ph.D., director of the hospitality and tourism program in the College of Business at Western Carolina University; a High Country Host marketing update’ and social reception with hors d-oeuvres. The cost to attend the event is $10 per person.

The featured presentation “The Top 3 Reasons Why Tourism has an Important Role in the NC High Country Economic Development” by Morse will examine tourism’s economic impact in Ashe, Alleghany, Avery, Watauga, and Wilkes counties.

In addition, Morse will share how communities similar to those in the High Country Host region have leveraged their unique assets to enhance the quality of life which attracts new economic development and expands current businesses offerings.

The audience will take-a-way three important points about tourism’s role in the High Country’s economic development:

    • the impact tourism spending has on jobs generated, local taxes, local worker incomes and payroll;
    • explain why tourism jobs in the High Country region are not all low-wage jobs, and
    • how tourism assets can be leveraged to attract the new “creative class” entrepreneurs.

Please RSVP and make payment for the High Country Host annual tourism meeting by June 16 by calling 800-438-7500, emailing or stopping by the Host visitor information center, which is open Monday through Friday from 9 to 5 p.m. and located at 1700 Blowing Rock Road in Boone (beside KFC).