Dec. 2, 2012. High Country Host invites the public to an open house at the Visitor Information Center located on Blowing Rock Road (beside KFC). The open house will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11.
The open house will feature snacks, visiting with Host staff, as well as a visit with Santa from 2-4.
“This is a great opportunity to take a free picture with Santa on his day off from greeting children at the Boone Mall,” said Candice Cook, High Country Host marketing director. “Santa will be sitting in front of our beautiful tree that was donated by Cornett-Deal Tree Farm.”
Visiting with staff will give locals a chance to see what High Country Host has to offer visitors to the region. “I have been approached by tourists with questions many times when I am hiking or just walking down the street, so I believe it is important for locals to know where to send people with questions about the High Country,” says Cook.
The open house will also be a chance to visit with Millie Barbee, director of High Country Host and new marketing director Candice Cook. Barbee was director of the Host from 1994-2000 and then returned to the position in 2009. Barbee will be leaving the Host at the beginning of the year and handing over the marketing of the tourism organization to Cook.
The open house will also feature a toy drive for Santa’s Toy Box. Any new, unwrapped children’s toys brought to the open house will be greatly appreciated.
High Country Host is a non-profit marketing organization dedicated to promoting tourism to the High Country. For more information on High Country Host or the Open House, call 828-264-1299 or click to
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