High Country Association of Realtors Donates to Watauga Habitat for Humanity

The High Country Association of Realtors (HCAR) recently presented Watauga County Habitat for Humanity a check for $1000. This donation will support the App Builds a Home project being built in Watauga Habitat’s eco-friendly GreenWood neighborhood. App Builds a Home is a student-led, campus-wide partnership building a Habitat home for a local family. The students, faculty, and staff of Appalachian State University have come together to design, fund, and build the home. 

“The High Country Association of Realtors is not only committed to helping people become homeowners but is also investing in affordable homeownership opportunities for our Habitat families,” said Allison Jennings, Director of Development at Watauga Habitat. “By supporting us, they are helping families build and buy their own home and achieve the American Dream of owning a home,” said Jennings. The donation from HCAR will be matched by Curt and Linda Gillespie of Blowing Rock, NC and Naples, Florida.

The High Country Association of Realtors unites real estate professionals in the community for the benefit of realtors and their clients. The Association is dedicated to the advancement of professionalism in the industry and is dedicated to maintaining a high level of ethical business practices. To learn more, visit www.highcountryrealtors.org.

Watauga Habitat for Humanity works to eliminate barriers to a better, healthier and more financially stable life by providing homebuyers with a decent and affordable place to call home. Homebuyers partner with Habitat, helping build their own homes alongside volunteers. Habitat offers zero-interest mortgages to the homeowners. Watauga Habitat for Humanity needs your financial support, your voice and your time. For more information, to donate, or volunteer visit www.wataugahabitat.org.