BOONE, NC – The Hickory Ridge Living History Museum, in conjunction with the Blue Ridge Fiber Guild, invites the public to visit the museum for a fibers program with renown fiberarts group Bobbin Boy. Alan and Milissa Ellison Dewey, creators of Bobbin Boy, have years of experience in wood turning, early America antiques, and fiberarts. Guests are encouraged to bring their spinning, weaving, and fiber tools to the event for repair appraisals and information on the history of the piece. Spinning wheels, hand looms, inkle looms, and similar fiber tools are encouraged.
“This is an excellent chance to gain a little bit of perspective on your own family history,” says Grayson Butler, Museum Director of Hickory Ridge. “My grandmother gave me a wheel that I know nothing about, so I am anticipating learning more of the history of the piece in a local setting.”
Local fibers guilds like the Blue Ridge Fibers Guild will be in attendance for spinning and weaving demonstrations.
Carson Sailor, Executive Director of the Southern Appalachian Historical Association, states that, “the fiber industry helped to sustain people living in the mountains in the 18th century, and we want to show how that craftsmanship is used today.”
Guests are encouraged to visit the cabins of the museum, which will be staffed with historic interpreters. The program will be from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM on Saturday, August 5 and is free to the public.
The Southern Appalachian Historical Association oversees both Horn in the West and the Hickory Ridge Living History museum. The association keeps the history of the High Country alive with accurate representations of 18th century Appalachia. The Hickory Ridge Living History Museum is open Tuesday – Sunday with tours at 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. Horn in the West runs from June 23 – August 5. The show runs every night except Monday. For ticket information visit or call (828) 264-2120.