HB2: NCAA Backs Out of Seven Championship Events in NC, See Varied Reaction

Compiled by Jesse Wood

The NCAA announced on Monday that it is relocating seven previously awarded championship events from  North Carolina during the 2016-17 academic year because of HB2, the controversial law that opponents say is discriminatory.

Sporting championship events include soccer, golf, lacrosse, baseball and Division 1 men’s basketball. Read NCAA’s entire statement here. See the reaction from Monday’s announcement below:

NCGOP Reaction To NCAA

ashegop“This is so absurd it’s almost comical. I genuinely look forward to the NCAA merging all men’s and women’s teams together as singular, unified, unisex teams. Under the NCAA’s logic, colleges should make cheerleaders and football players share bathrooms, showers and hotel rooms. This decision is an assault to female athletes across the nation. If you are unwilling to have women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, how do you have a women’s team? I wish the NCAA was this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor. Perhaps the NCAA should stop with their political peacocking— and instead focus their energies on making sure our nation’s collegiate athletes are safe, both on and off the field.” – Kami Mueller, Spokeswoman, NCGOP

Cooper Campaign Statement on NCAA

imagesOn Monday night, the Cooper Campaign responded to reports that the NCAA is relocating seven championship events from North Carolina, including the first and second rounds of the 2017 NCAA tournament, as a result of HB 2.

“It seems that almost every day, we learn of a new consequence of HB 2. Hosting NCAA championship events has long been a point of pride for North Carolina. These tournaments pump money into our economy and give our communities and fans a chance to showcase our incredible tradition of college sports. Now, our ability to host these events at the highest level has been eliminated because of Governor McCrory and HB 2. Enough – We need to repeal this law and get our state back on track,” said Cooper for NC Spokesman Ford Porter.

Gov. McCrory
Gov. McCrory

Governor McCrory Releases Statement on ACC Decision

Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement regarding the ACC’s recent decision on 2016-17 championship events:

“The issue of redefining gender and basic norms of privacy will be resolved in the near future in the United States court system for not only North Carolina, but the entire nation. I strongly encourage all public and private institutions to both respect and allow our nation’s judicial system to proceed without economic threats or political retaliation toward the 22 states that are currently challenging government overreach.”

Hillary Clinton on Twitter

@HillaryClinton: The @NCAA is right to pull tournament games from North Carolina because of the anti-LGBT HB2 law. Discrimination has no place in America. -H


UNC President Margaret Spellings


“We are surprised and disappointed by the NCAA’s decision and regret the impact it will have on North Carolina’s student-athletes, coaches, athletic staffs, fans, and the North Carolina communities previously chosen to host these championship events. As reflected in long-standing University policy, UNC campuses do not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, and we are fully committed to being open and welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds. We remain caught in the middle of a conflict between state law and federal guidance, and we welcome a speedy resolution of these issues by the court.”

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