By Jesse Wood
Oct. 24, 2012. The Haunted Horn Ghost Trail is so spooky, organizers are certain the hikers will be glad to exit the trail before doom strikes.
Located at Horn in the West, the Haunted Horn Ghost Trail opens at dusk and runs until enough spookiness has happened for the night. It takes place from Wednesday to Saturday, Oct 24. to Oct. 27, and Tuesday, Oct. 30, to Wednesday, Oct. 31. It is closed the Sunday and Monday before Halloween.
The theme for this year’s trail is “germ warfare,” and the further one walks along the trail, the more mutated the creepy actors become.
“Imagine Horn in the West as a safe haven for cataclysm and that for some reason something went wrong and it turned out to get infected itself,” said trail organizer and Southern Appalachian Historical Association member Freda Greene.
Members of the SAHA and ASU education students have been working on props for the trail since September. Also, members of the theater department at ASU are doing the makeup work of the zombies, cannibals and other scary actors involved.
This year the trail is longer and comes in at about a 20- to 30-minute hike through the Hickory Ridge Homestead property.
The Haunted Horn Ghost Trail will use strobe lights, fog machines, disorienting darkness and a challenging hike to spook all that are courageous enough to enter. A promotion for the event states, “Come if you dare and walk the trail of death. We hope that you will live to see another day!”
The trail costs $10 for adults and $8 for students with proper ID. It is not recommended for those 9 or younger, call to see if child care will be available the night you plan to attend. If you have any concerns or health issues, note that you enter at your own risk.
For more information, call 828-264-2120.
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