Happy New Year to you from Green Street Catering! We pray that 2017 will be a year of great love, peace and joy for you and your family.
We want to thank you for partnering with us in 2016. With your prayers and support, Green Street Catering distributed over 700 summer grocery bags, over 400 Thanksgiving food bags, provided Christmas needs for over 50 children and adults as well as distributed over 19,000 weekly meals into our community in 2016. We praise God and thank Him for you!

We would like to update you on a couple of things in 2017 and ask you to partner with us again this year in some different ways….
Mark your calendar! Green Street Catering will have our 3rd annual fundraiser dinner and silent auction at Dan’l Boone Inn on Friday, March 24. Go ahead and sponsor your table for 10 guests by emailing us at greenstreetcatering@gmail.com for more information. We hope to have all of our tables sponsored by the end of this month and we hope you can join us. This is a great time to find out and share with others about what the Lord allows us to do at Green Street and how you can get involved.
Have you taken a look at our new online store? You can place orders for gifts for others, a snack or a meal for a meeting or a gathering or just dinner for your family or a friend. There are all kinds of homemade goodies to choose from salsa and cakes to soups and pastas. All we need is 24 hours notice of your needs. Simply go to the online store at https://squareup.com/store/green-street-catering and place your order today!
Would you consider becoming a monthly Green Street Catering financial partner? Maybe you cannot attend the fundraiser or shop on our online store or prepare/deliver meals with us at Green Street. Maybe setting up a monthly donation to Green Street is the best fit for you to partner with us this year. You can easily set up an automatic draft with your bank account to schedule a donation each month or you can donate online anytime.
As Green Street serves so many and in so many different ways throughout the year, we incur monthly costs in addition to our food costs. We could really use your help in 2017! Each month, Green Street has costs from paper products (takeout boxes, serving trays and even supplies to package scriptures and meals each week), electricity to run our donation coolers, freezers and warmers and even to support volunteer programs with others who help us with cleaning/preparing/delivering meals each week. We use over 2,000 takeout boxes each month and 20-40 serving trays each month to serve our weekly community meals.
Your donation of $20 per month can supply 200 takeout boxes, feed over 50 meals into our community or provide more than 10% of a volunteer’s weekly rent payment. A donation of $100 per month provides 1,000 takeout boxes, feeds over 250 community meals or provides over 65% of a volunteer’s weekly rent payment.
Most of all, we need your prayers. Please partner with us in 2017 in whatever ways you can but always partner with us in prayer to ask God to use us to build His kingdom in whatever ways He sees fit.
Thank you so much for all you did in 2016 and we thank God ahead of time for all that you will do with us in 2017! Let us know how we can serve you this year!
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