“This is our year & our time to redistribute the balance of power in our political system. We must stop allowing others to decide what is best for us, especially when it comes to our children, our families, our health & our safety. We have to embrace running for office & having a seat at the table.” Jessica Holmes, Wake Co. Commissioner & Women’s #RallyonRaleigh Speaker
1. Where, when, and what is the Women’s Rally On Raleigh?
Location: Halifax Mall, 16 W Jones Street, Raleigh NC Click here for a printable Women’s Rally on Raleigh map.
Date: This Saturday, January 20, 2018.
Time: 9AM-1PM: 9AM Artivists; 10AM Speakers & Artivists; 12PM Artivists
Theme: Women Leading The Resistance
Speakers: Absolutely amazing. Click here for roster
Community Sponsors: Spectacular. Click here for List.
2. Has anything changed as a result of the recent snowfall? No. If anything, we’re looking forward to the opportunity to stretch our legs after being stuck inside this week! We expect road conditions to normalize and temperatures to rise by Saturday.
3. Is this event a march or a rally? A rally! Get ready to be fired up by incredible women leading the resistance on voter suppression, sexual assault, domestic violence, access to affordable quality healthcare, immigrant rights, Islamophobia, LGBTQ rights, public education and more.
4. Is it for women only? No! All allies are welcome and should get involved, use their voices, and their vote to promote women’s rights, civil rights, and democracy.
5. Are children welcome? Yes! We will have a child-geared chalk activity and poster making stations available. However, you are the best judge of what is right and safe for your children. It is a good idea to talk with your children about a safety plan if they get lost. Also, for young children, consider writing your phone number on their forearm or pinning it to the inside of their jacket.
6. What should I wear? Comfortable shoes (the grassy areas may be soggy and wet), layered clothing for the Carolina weather, and sunscreen (even in January).
7. What should I bring? In general, as little as possible: water, snacks, sunscreen, wallet*, medication, your Rally Sign, remaining respectful of the fact this is a family-friendly event.
8. How should I get there? Where should I park? Although we are not coordinating carpools or buses, we encourage interested people to reach out to others in their local area about options.
- Public Transportation: To find your route, check here: https://www.raleighnc.gov/serv
ices/content/PWksTransit/Artic The R-Line is a free circulator bus that loops downtown Raleigh, and passes the Women’s Rally on Raleigh. Check it out here: http://www.raleighnc.gov/serviles/BusRoutes.html ces/content/PWksTransit/Articl es/DowntownCirculator.html - Bus Parking: 227 E Edenton Street Parking, Raleigh, NC 27601. Map here, bottom of our homepage.
- Cars: There are several parking decks and lots nearby or a short walk away. Green Square Parking Deck120 W Edenton St, Raleigh, NC 27603 (900 spaces); NC Museum/ Government Center Parking,100 E. Jones St, Raleigh , NC 27601 (243 spaces); Alexander Square Parking Deck, 120 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC (726 spaces). Map here, bottom of our homepage. For a comprehensive map of parking lots in downtown Raleigh, look here http://www.godowntownraleigh.c
om/get-around/parking .
Please prepare for the possibility that you may have to walk several blocks to get to Halifax Mall from parking locations.
9. What accommodations are available for people with disabilities? There is a handicapped seating area, but spaces are limited. If you would like to reserve a seat, please send us an email at womensmarchonraleigh@gmail.com
10. *Will there be food available? Several food trucks will be selling sustenance to #FeedTheResistance. They include Cousins Maine Lobster, Curry In A Hurry, Getting Sauced in The City, HotChix Hotcakes and Chicken, and Rebus Eats.
11. Are there bathrooms? Is there a map of the Women’s Rally on Raleigh grounds? Yes – port-a-johns, and yes- click here for a printable PDF.
12. Will there be ways to take meaningful action and connect with people who fight for our rights, every day? Yes. Make a promise to yourself to get connected with a group at the Rally and to take meaningful action. Go to purple stars on the map, and pick your passion.
Donate: https://actionnetwork.org/fund
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/event
Instagram: @womensrallync
Website: https://womensmarchonraleigh.o
Want to join our list-serve? Email us at womensmarchonraleigh@gmail.com