From the Mayor’s Desk: Blowing Rock Town Council Holds Annual Retreat

Note: Blowing Rock Mayor Charlie Sellers will be providing the High Country Press with news and updates on projects in Blowing Rock. This week, Mayor Sellers shared updates on some items discussed at the town council’s annual retreat. 

Town of Blowing Rock Council Retreat was held on January 6, 7 and 8 at Blowing Rock Art and History Museum. Listed below are the top ten items that are the focus of the council and Department supervisors over the next 12 months:

  • Water pressure reducing Valves and Vaults. (Protects all of our water lines from Excessive water pressure)
  • Replacement with newer playground equipment in Memorial Park
  • Landscaping entrances at Sunset Drive, South and North Main Street
  • Zoning code amendments (greenspace, building design, short term rentals, CUP)
  • Legion Hall/Broyhill lake project (ADA accessibility, landscaping and enhancement of the area behind Legion Hall.)
  • Pedestrian crosswalk signage and lighting at Sunset/Main and Main/221
  • AMI upgrades (Automatic water meters for all water users in Blowing Rock)
  • Parking Management (Shuttle service, private-public partnership, wayfinding and enforcement of parking ordinances).
  • Broyhill Lake dam and bridge (repairs and enhancement)

Items that were discussed that were previously approved and are ongoing projects:

  • 2014 Comprehensive plan
  • Sidewalk to Bass Lake
  • Memorial Park and Recreation (1888 museum, pickle ball, bathrooms Middle Fork Greenway)
  • Street Paving (streets scheduled under bond package)
  • Sales tax distribution
  • Requirements for applicants for open board positions
  • Voluntary move to recyclable materials energy conservation/green energy
  • Police department retention
  • Sales tax distribution

Important meeting dates

January 14, 4 PM – Ribbon Cutting for Sunset Drive at the corner of Sunset and Main Street

January 14, 6 PM – Town Council Meeting at town hall

January 16, 7 PM – Planning Board meeting town hall

Memorial Park

It was brought to my attention that we have leaves available on the memorial plaque in Memorial Park. If you would like to make a contribution in memory of a friend or relative, contact Jennifer Brown at Town Hall.