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Friday Marks Another Snow Day for Schools

By Jesse Wood

Friday marked another snow day for Avery County Schools and Watauga County Schools.

Friday was Avery County Schools 15th snow day of the 2014-15 school year. Typically, Avery County Schools misses about 15 days of school because of inclement weather, according to school officials. So far, 10 of those days have already been made up by holding an extra 20 minutes of school every day throughout the year.

The school district in Watauga has missed 14 days so far, two of which have been made up through Saturday school.

As of Thursday, the last day of school scheduled for Avery County Schools is June 3 and Watauga County Schools is June 9.

By law – because of lobbying efforts from the summer tourism industry – public schools in the state aren’t allowed to end later than the Friday closest to June 11.