by Nikka Hronis
Jan. 21, 2014. Temperatures have warmed up some in the High Country this past week, but don’t go putting away that winter gear just yet.
The National Weather Service has reported a cold front taking the East Coast by storm, bringing chilly temperatures and some impressive flurries that suggest we may be in for a frigid week. Temperatures are predicted to drop as low as -14 with windchill tonight, and will remain blistering with powerful wind and chances for snow through Thursday.
When taking on this polar weather, it is important to remember to take proper measures to keep your home and family safe and warm.
Freezing temperatures put pipes in homes and businesses at risk of freezing and bursting, leading to costly, unwanted water damage.
According to research from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), “a burst pipe can cost more than $5,000 in water damage.”
Even though the cold has already set in, there are several last-minute precautions that you can take to prevent frozen pipes.
The first and simplest precaution is to keep indoor temperatures above 32 degrees and keep the space properly insulated by making sure doors and windows are fully sealed.
IBHS also recommends sealing, “all wall cracks and penetrations including domestic and fire protection lines, electrical conduit, other utility service line, etc.”
Special attention must also be payed to the pipes themselves. During extreme cold, letting faucets drip can prevent water from freezing inside of the pipes, and pipes can be warmed up by using pipe insulation.
If possible, open cabinet doors of pipes adjacent to exterior walls or in base-cabinets to increase the circulation of warm air around them.
It is important to also tend to attic spaces, to prevent the release of heat.
IBHS suggests insulating, “all attic penetrations such as partition walls, vents, plumbing stacks, electric and mechanical chases and access doors that are not properly sealed.”
For more information on keeping your home or business safe from winter weather, click here.
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