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Foundation Approves Blowing Rock Equestrian Preserve Name Change in Honor of Broyhills

brchslogoThe Board of Directors of the Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show Foundation has approved re-naming the Blowing Rock Equestrian Preserve to reflect the Broyhill family’s 1934 gift of the land on which the annual Blowing Rock Charity Horse Show has been held for 82 consecutive years.

Burr Collier, the Foundation’s chair said, “The Broyhill family and particularly Paul Broyhill have supported the Horse Show for decades. Considering that Tom Broyhill’s gift made the show’s long history possible, honoring the Broyhill family in this way was an appropriate and timely decision.”

In response Paul Broyhill said, “The Broyhill Family has a long history with the Blowing Rock Horse Show.  Early on, my uncle, Tom Broyhill donated the land for the show grounds.  A Grand Ball was held at the height of the summer season at Mayview Manor, which was owned by Uncle Tom.  I well remember riding in the show when I was a young man.  We are delighted to have our name associated with an event that enjoys nationwide renown as one of the oldest and most finely regarded horse shows.”

From this day forward, the Blowing Rock Equestrian Preserve will be known as the Broyhill Equestrian Preserve.


For more information, click to www.blowingrockhorses.com.