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First Daniel Boone Native Gardens Flower Photo Stroll Successful


Winning photograph by Dr. Annakatrin Rose
Winning photograph by Dr. Annakatrin Rose

June 11, 2013. The inaugural “Flower Photo Stroll” on Wednesday, June 5th at the Daniel Boone Native Gardens in Boone was enjoyed by 23 plant and photography enthusiasts. The participants submitted two photos each to the event contest and were judged on Saturday at Appalachian State University by attendees of the High Country Horticulture Symposium. The winning selection is pictured.

“All the participants said they enjoyed and got a lot out of the experience,” according to Bill Barbour, host of the event, and, “they found the one-on-one help from the volunteering local professional photographers particularly useful.” Photographers Andrea Crouch, Barry Houck, Karen Lehmann, Michael Russel and Julie Shissler all gave of their time and expertise. “The Daniel Boone Gardens is such a treasure,” said Barbour, “a real gem with wildflowers, ferns – all sorts of native foliage. Many folks have been to the gardens for a wedding…but it’s a next-door destination for nature-loving strollers and photographers. A couple of dollars donation each visit or an annual membership is all it takes!”


Friends of the Daniel Boone Native Gardens and the Watauga County Arts Council co-sponsored what they hope will become an annual springtime event coinciding with National Garden Week. It is a non-technical workshop designed to help plant and flower lovers capture consistently better images with whatever equipment they currently have and know how to use.To the right is the winning photograph of the Flower Photo Stroll photo contest, by Dr. Annkatrin Rose, an Associate Professor of Biology at Appalachian State University.