Did you attend or graduate from Avery County High School? Would you like to reconnect with former classmates and friends? Would you like to visit with old friends in other classes? Then the First Annual Avery County High School Reunion is for you!
The three schools that consolidated to form ACHS (Newland High, Crossnore High, and Cranberry High) have had annual reunions for many years. Avery County High School has been in existence now for 50 years and there has never been an annual reunion for all classes.
Big plans are underway for this first reunion to take place on Saturday, October 26, which is the next day after Avery’s Homecoming Celebration. The reunion will take place in the ACHS Gym and the doors will open for fun and visiting at 1:30 p.m. Danica Goodman, Class of 2000, is spearheading the effort to establish an annual reunion for ACHS.
What can you do to help? Contact information is needed for each of the 50 classes that have graduated. If you have or can get names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc., for your class, please get them to Danica Goodman immediately at P.O. Box 278, Crossnore, NC 28616 or by email at ACHSalumni@aol.com. Contact information needs to be in by August 31. People who would like to serve on the Avery County Alumni Association should email Danica Goodman at ACHSalumni@aol.com as soon as possible as the reunion is only two months away.
Also, any people who can donate hors d’oeuvres or snacks for the reunion would be a great help. Money for postage and drinks is also needed, and, again, donations would be greatly appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Let’s make this gathering a wonderful and well-attended annual event each year!
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