1000 x 90

New at the Art Cellar: Painter Norma Murphy, Potters Alex Mattise & John Vigeland

Out of the Studio, Paint and Clay

Exhibition at The Art Cellar, Banner Elk

July 28 – August 13

Featured Artists:

Norma Murphy
Alex Matisse & John Vigeland of East Fork Pottery

After extensive studio time filled with creation, exploration and focused artistic intention, the artist stands back and is ready to share their new works. “Out of the Studio” celebrates the results from the studios of painter Norma Murphy and potters Alex Matisse and John Vigeland of East Fork Pottery.

The feature exhibition will be filled with the engaging images, color and texture of Murphy’s paintings which range from acrylic collage on canvas to watercolors. East Fork’s rich earthy glazes and natural stoneware production dinnerware, along with select larger scale signature objects will complete the experience of color and texture in this exhibition.

The exhibit opens July 28 and continues through August 13 and includes the opportunity for a gallery visit with each of the artists.

Saturday, July 30:

East Fork Pottery

Alex Matisse and John Vigeland

Coffee Talk

10 a.m. – noon


Saturday, August 6:

Norma Murphy

Birthday Celebration Tea

10 a.m. – noon


For more information, call 828-898-5175 or visit www.artcellaronline.com.