Fall Leaf Color Photo of the Day: Linville Rivers Reflects Leaf Color and Blue Sky

Golden leaves add a touch of autumn brilliance to the Linville River in Linville. According to Dr. Howie Neufeld, Appalachian State University biology professor and noted ‘Fall Color Guy,’ this is the peak week for the Blowing Rock-to-Grandfather Mountain section of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Forests below 3,000 feet are still predominantly green, Neufeld said, adding that they will likely turn in the next two weeks. As it stands, the peak color is from about approximately 5,000 feet or so down to about 3,000 feet. Photo by Skip Sickler | Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation

For the latest leaf report from Appalachian State biology professor Howie Neufeld, also known as the ‘Fall Color Guy,’ click here. As the above caption notes, Neufeld said that this is the peak weak to see colorful leaves in the Boone – Blowing Rock – Grandfather region.