Sept. 24, 2014. F.A.R.M. (Feed All Regardless of Means) Café will be hosting a new community forum and dinner monthly starting in October. F.A.C.E.S., which stands for Food, Agriculture, Community, Economy, and Spirituality, will be a platform for community members to discuss issues affecting the High Country.
Each event will have a speaker or panel of speakers brought together to discuss a preselected topic for 45 minutes to an hour. The event is meant to encourage discussion among community members and will include a conversational portion that everyone is invited to participate in.
F.A.C.E.S will be held on the first Thursday of each month and being promptly at 5:30 p.m. The first event is October 2nd and will discuss the national OneWorldEverybodyEats movement, which inspired the creation of F.A.R.M. Café. The November event will be held on the 6th and tentatively discuss mental health issues in the community. The Dec. 4 event will focus on local business and their participation in non profits in the area. All speakers will be community members, or from community organizations.
Following the forum there will be a dinner prepared and served by F.A.R.M Café volunteers and staff. The dinner service will follow the “pay as you can” model used at the café daily. Patrons are encouraged to donate what they can based on suggested plate prices.
Those who are unable to pay are invited to volunteer in exchange for a meal. Community members who are unable to make it to downtown Boone during lunch service are encouraged to come enjoy the community conversation and experience a delicious F.A.R.M. meal in the evening.
Everyone is invited to attend F.A.C.E.S. which will be held at F.A.R.M. Café located at 617 West King St., walking distance from the ASU campus. F.A.R.M. Café serves lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Saturday using fresh, local ingredients when possible. More information on upcoming events, F.A.R.M. Café, and the OneWorldEverybodyEats movement can be found at