Extensive Renovations for National Guard Armory in Boone To Begin in Fall, 1451st To Relocate in August

Renovations to the armory are expected to begin in October.
Renovations to the armory are expected to begin in October.

By Jesse Wood

June 24, 2014. Renovations to the National Guard Armory building in Boone will likely begin in October.

Sgt. First Class Robert Mullis said that bids for the construction project will open in August – at which time the 1451st Transportation Company, which is comprised of outfits in Boone, Morganton and Marion, will relocate the Boone detachment and continue operations in Morganton or Marion.

Mullis said that renovation work includes “redoing the inside of the armory, redoing the roof and a lot of plumbing and electrical work around in the armory.” He estimated that the work would take six to nine months to complete.

“We are pretty excited about the renovations. That’s for sure,” Mullis said.

A public affairs officer with the N.C. National Guard is currently researching how much the renovations will cost and what exact year the armory was constructed. This story will be updated when that info becomes available.

In addition to housing a local detachment of the 1451st Transportation Company, the facility is also leased to hold community events and tradeshows on an annual basis.

For example, the 20th annual High Country Bead, Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show took place at the armory last weekend, and the next event scheduled is the 33rd annual Watauga Humane Society Rummage Sale that is slate for Friday, June 27, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, June 28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The National Guard Armory is located at 274 Hunting Hills Lane and can be reached by phone at 828-264-3010.

The 1451st Transportation Company, which is based at the National Guard Armory in Boone, will relocate in August.
The National Guard Armory in Boone
National Guard Armory in Boone