Ensemble Stage is gearing up for the opening of their regional premiere titled “Catch The Butcher” by Adam Seidel. This is the second show of their 2022 Summer Season Main Stage performances, and it opens Friday, July 15.
“Catch The Butcher” is a suspense-thriller, and the show summary is as follows: In this serio-comic thriller, a woman is rendered unconscious and kidnapped. She awakens to see a man standing in front of her wearing an industrial apron, with a cabinet full of chemicals and surgical instruments behind him.
Ensemble Stage didn’t want to say anything more for fear of giving too much away, but staff don’t want viewers to be put off by the subject matter. The description states that it is, in fact, a delightfully different kind of “suspense-thriller.” It’s a fantastic twist on a nightmare scenario that explores human nature and relationships in an oddly entertaining way.
The scheduled show dates and times for “Catch The Butcher” include July 15, 16, 19, and 23 at 7:30 p.m. as well as July 17 and 20 at 2:00 p.m. The performances will last two hours long including intermission.
Tickets are $26 for adults, $24 for senior/military citizens, and $12 for children ages 16 and under. The ticket prices do not include North Carolina sales tax or processing fees.
Patrons are encouraged to have proof of vaccination and wear a mask in the Hahn Auditorium; however, neither are required.
The performances will be held at the Hahn Auditorium at the Historic Banner Elk School, located at 185 Azalea Circle SE.
For more information, please call Ensemble Stage at 828-414-1844 or visit www.ensemblestage.com
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