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Email Announcements We Received This Week: See What’s Going On Around The Community

1) Encore Presentation of 1984 at Watauga County Library

The Watauga County Public Library invites you to join them for an encore viewing of 1984 on Thursday, March 13 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This film is an adaptation of George Orwell’s classic science fiction novel and is rated “R.” For more information or for special accommodations, please contact the library at 828-264-8784. 

2) Baha’i Devotional Meeting

There will be a Baha’i Devotional Meeting on Sunday, March 9, at 300 Beaver Dam Rd. from 10 a.m. until noon. The theme of the meeting will be “God has crowned you with honor.” All are welcome. For more information and directions call 297-6222.