1) Aug. 26 Motivational Interviewing
The Boone local program unit of the National Association of Social Workers will meet Aug. 26 at 12:30 p.m. at the Watauga County Public Library located at 140 Queen Street in Boone. This training is from 1:00-2:00 p.m. A certificate for an hour of in-service training will be provided free to NASW members and $5 to all others. A pot luck lunch will be provided at 12:30 and this is a time for networking and sharing news. Please bring a dish to share, but your presence is most important. Bring your own cup as we are a green organization. For further information, please call Judith at 828-268-1907.
2) Daniel Boone Native Gardens Hosts annual “Evening in the Gardens with Artists”
Celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, the Daniel Boone Native Gardens will host the annual “Evening in the Gardens with Artists” on Saturday, Aug 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $20 per person. The annual fundraiser helps keep the gardens green and growing. This year, a special treat is the addtion of artists painting throughout the gardens during the event. The Community Band will also perform. To purchase tickets, visit www.danielboonenativegardens.org. Tickets are also available at the door on Aug. 10.
3) The Banner House Museum
Experience life as it was in the 1870s with a Docent guided tour through the home of Samuel Banner, one of Banner Elk’s founding families. Banner House Museum is open from June 15 through Oct. 18, Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the final daily tour beginning at 3 p.m. Admission for the Banner House Museum is $5 for adults, $1 for children ages 5-12. The Banner House Museum is located at 7990 Hickory Nut Gap Road in Banner Elk. For more information, call 828-898-3634.
4) Avery County Chamber Quarterly Breakfast
Mark your calendars for the Avery County Chamber Quarterly Breakfast.on August 6 from 8-9:30 a.m., the breakfast will be hosted by the Grandfather Home for Children with Abigail Lord as the speaker. The event will be catered by Chick-fil-a . Wake up with the roosters and join the Chamber for a great breakfast and hear what Abigail Lord has to say about what Grandfather Home has planned for the year. For more information, please call 828-898-5605.
5) ASU Campus Emergency Siren Test Conducted Aug. 7
Appalachian State University will conduct a test of its campus siren warning system Wednesday, Aug. 7 at 11:55 a.m. Examples of the tones that are used in an emergency or during tests can be heard online here. Appalachian uses the “hi/low” tone for emergencies; “discontinuous air horn” for tests of the system; the “alert” tone for all clear-signal; and the “wail” tone for tornado warnings. For more information about the university’s AppState ALERT voice/text/e-mail notification system, click here.