1) Storytelling at Todd General Store
There will be a storytelling event at Todd General Store on Railroad Grade Road in Todd on Tuesday, July 23, starting at 6 p.m. Doyle Pace is the storyteller.
2) Contemplative Choral Evensong at St. Mary of the Hills July 28
The Choir of St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church will present a contemplative choral evensong this Sunday afternoon, July 28, at 3:30 p.m. in the nave of the church. This month’s Evensong will focus on gentler, more contemplative atmosphere than usual-service music will include a plainsong setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, and Preces and Responses by Tim Brown. The Introit and Anthem will be Farrant’s Lord, for thy Tender Mercy’s Sake and Tomkin’s O Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The choir of St. Mary’s sings evensong one sunday each month though October, and everyone is welcome. Donations support the Choral Scholarship program at St. Mary of the Hills which provides financial support to students and budding young singers in exchange for outstanding choral contributions to the choir. The service of Evensong, or evening prayer combines elements of two services, Vespers and Compline, which were part of the seven-service daily cycle of prayer in monasteries. It is said or sung every day in the cathedrals and collegiate churches of England, as well as in this country since 1785. The service is a fragment of the worship offered to God by christian people at every hour, in every part of the world. The form of the service has changed little since the 16th Century, but the content dates back much earlier, to the Psalms, the hymnbook of the Jewish temple. and the Canticles, which are taken from the New Testament. The service is a lovely, quiet way to end the day.
3) Tree Board Meeting
This is a gentle reminder that we are having a Tree Board meeting in the Large Conference Room located on the Upper Level of the Downtown Boone Post office at 680 West King Street. Please come to the Main Post Office Door and the door to the conference room will be on your right inside of the post office.
4) Blue Ridge Parkway Special Ranger Program
On Friday, July 26, at Julian Price Memorial Park Campground Amphitheater Milepost 293 at 7 p.m., the Civil War in the Mountains with Award Winning Historian and Author in recognition of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, Civil War author and 2010 North Carolina Historian of the Year Michael Hardy and a group of historic re-enactors will give a presentation on the Civil War in the Appalachian Mountains.
5) Fire Yell
On Saturday, July 27 at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater at milepost 316. As one of the classical elements, fire has been seen as a powerful force within the universe. Learn about fire’s positive and negative effects and how wildland fire is fought.
6) Tree Board Meeting
A meeting of the Town of Boone Tree Board will be held on Wednesday, July 24, at 6 p.m. in the Planning and Inspections Conference Room located at 680 W. King Street, Post Office Main Floor-Conference Room.
7) Appalachian Trail Conservancy Launches “I am The Appalachian Trail” Video Contest
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is currently accepting submissions for the “I am the Appalachian Trail” video contest, a nationwide search for the best fan-made video about the Appalachian Trail (AT). The grand prize winner will have their video screened in movie theaters during the 2014 ATC Membership Drive. The video contest asks participants to answer the question “How are you a part of the Appalachian Trail?” Contestants will submit short videos, no longer than three minutes, emphasizing the many ways that they are connected to the trail. Whether as a hiker, volunteer, teacher, artist or simply someone who loves the Trail, the contest will explore how people are a part of the AT> “”The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is very excited to see just how important the Trail is to the Appalachian Trail community. Each video tells a different story and brings to light the special connections people have to the Trail and each other,” said Javier Folgar, director of marketing and communications for the ATC. The creators of the top three videos with the most votes will each win a one year membership to the ATC and be featured in an issue of A.T. Journeys, the official magazine of the ATC. The grand prize winner will have their video featured in theaters during the 2014 ATC Membership Drive and shared with thousands of followers across ATC’s social media sites. The contest winner will also receive a custom ATC hammock, courtesy of ENO. The public will vote for their favorite video through ATC’s Facebook page. Submissions are being accepted until Sunday, Sept. 15, and voting will take place from Sept. 16 through Nov. 8. Winners will be announced on Monday, Nov. 11. Last year, Hector Reyes Miller of Dorado, Puerto Rico won the contest with a captivating video that highlighted like lessons he learned at the AT. Miller’s video was shown in theaters during the 2012 membership drive and at the ATC’s leaders in conservation award gala in Washington D.C.