1) HCAS Meeting Held July 15
The HCAS will have the annual Membership Meeting and Potluck Dinner on Tuesday, July 15 at 5 p.m. at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Instructional Facility in Boone in Room 112 just inside the front door. Janet Palmer will lead a bird walk around the campus at 5 p.m. We will gather in room 112 for the potluck dinner around 6 p.m. There will be a slideshow of pictures taken by group members and a silent auction. If you have pictures you would like included in the slideshow please send them to Brenda Combs at bcombs@wilkes.net. If you have items for the silent auction, please arrive before 6 p.m. so the silent auction sheets can be filled out. There will be a brief business meeting at which we will elect officers and announce the winner of the Sue Wells Research Grant. HCAS Fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. This is a good time for members to renew their membership. HCAS invites the public to attend the monthly meetings and field trips. Announcements about meetings and field trips can be found on their website at www.HighCountryAudubon.org.
2) July Boone Country Dancers Contra Dance
The Boone Country Dancers will be at the Apple Barn in Valle Crucis for its next community contra dance on Saturday, July 12. Everyone is welcome to attend the contra dance regardless of dance experience. The evening will begin with a beginners’ workshop from 7:30-8 p.m. The goal of the workshop is to teach the fundamentals of contra dance with a focus on having fun. After the workshop, the regular dance will run from 8-11 p.m. with a waltz break at 9:30 p.m. The dance will feature the band Bob Kogut and Friends and the caller will be the lively Connie Carringer. Dancers of all ages are encouraged to attend and no partner is necessary. Come as you are and wear clean, soft-soled flexible shoes for dancing. As always, our dances are smoke and alcohol free. Admission to the dance is $7 for adults, $5 for high school students and free for anyone 12 years and younger. For more information go to www.BooneCountryDancers.org.
3) Concert at Watauga County Library July 12
Creekside Grass bluegrass and traditional music will play a special performance at the Watauga County Main Library located at 140 Queen Street in Boone inside the Main Library Meeting Room. The concert will take place at 2 p.m. on July 12.