1) Blowing Rock Jazz Society Concert Cancellation
Please be advised that the Blowing Rock Jazz Society Concert has been cancelled for Sunday, April 13. Unfortunately, we were advised by the Meadowbrook Inn that there were only 8 reservations made for this concert other than board members. We are very sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused you. We realize that may of our attendees have not yet returned for the season. If there is any other reason you were unable to attend this concert, we would appreciate your feedback. We will continue through with the remainder of the concert season commencing with our wonderful singer, Wendy Jones, who will be performing for our May 11 concert. Hope to see you then!
2) Mobility Program to be Offered Monthly for the Elderly
To help older adults learn how to prevent falls, Appalachian State University’s BlueShield of North Carolina Institute for Health and Human Services will begin offering free monthly CHAMP screenings at the Lois E. Harrill Senior Center April through November. The first date will be April 25, with appointments between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Interested individuals should schedule an appointment by contacting Carol Cook at 828-262-7674 or cookcb@appstate.edu. Subsequent dates are May 30, June 13, July 11, Aug. 22, Sept. 19, Oct. 18 and Nov. 7. The center is located in the Watauga County Human Services Building at 132 Poplar Grove Connector, Suite A. CHAMP stands for Community Health and Mobility Partnership. The program is designed to improve strength, balance and mobility to help older individuals avoid falls and stay independent and active for life. The screenings will be conducted by a nurse and physical therapist who will identify participants at risk for falls and provide individualized fall prevention recommendations. Area physicians or home health workers are encouraged to refer patients to this service. Participants should be anyone who: wants to reduce risk factors for falls, wants to improve strength, balance and mobility, needs instruction in specific home exercises to help maintain fitness and independence, has concerns about balance or walking, needs advice about assistive devices such as walkers and canes or has had one or more falls. CHAMP was initiated by a collaboration of Watauga County agencies including the Lois E. Harrill Senior Center, Appalachian’s BlueShield of North Carolina Institute for Health and Human Services in the College of Health Sciences and the university’s Department of Nursing, Department of Sociology and gerontology and athletic training programs.