1) Third Thursday at the Watauga County Library
Third Thursday, a Watauga County Public Library book and movie discussion group invites you to join for a viewing of 1983 on Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This film is an adaptation of George Orwell’s classic science fiction novel and is rated “R”. For more information or for special accommodations, please contact the library at 828-264-8784.
2) Local Realtors Supported More than a Dozen Local Agencies in 2013
More than $12,000 was distributed to more than a dozen area organizations in 2013 by the High Country Association of Realtors, continuing a tradition of local philanthropy by the group. The High Country Association of Realtors unites real estate professionals within Watauga, Ashe and Avery counties for the benefit of Realtors an their clients. Underscoring its motto that “All Real Estate is Local and So Area We,” the Association seeks to annually support various nonprofits and community organizations in the three county area. Recipients of the 2013 donations include: Hospitality House of Boone, 6 scholarships to high school seniors, Habitat for Humanity, Shriners, WE Care, Ashe Really Cares, Avery County YO Program, American Red Cross, Christmas Child program through elementary schools, Hunger and Health Coalition, The Crossnore School, Humane Society and Sponsored Easter and Christmas at an assisted living facility. For more information on the High Country Association of Realtors please visit www.highcountryrealtors.org.
3) Ordering for 4-H Fruit Plant Sale Now Open
Ordering for the Watauga County4-H Fruit Plant Sale is now open. Proceeds help support 4-H youth programs in Watauga County. Supplies are available at a first-come first ordered basis. Plants available include blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and heritage apple trees. The plants are bare root, which means they do not come in potted soil. This allows the plant to be sold at a lower cost. For those who do not want bare root plants, we have two varieties of blueberries in 1 gallon containers. Plants will be ready for pickup April 11 and 12. For an order form, come by the Cooperative Extension office at 971 West King Street, call 264-3061.
4) Clarinetist Douglas Miller Performs Feb. 11
Clarinetist Douglas Miller will perform Feb. 11 in a recital featuring works from the 19th and 20th centuries. The program, part of the Hayes School of Music’s Faculty Performance Series, begins at 8 p.m. in Broyhill Music Center’s Rosen Concert Hall. John Coffey will provide piano accompaniment. Admission is free. Miller will perform works by the Russian composer Anatoni Lyadov, French composer Gabriel Pierne and a sonata by German composer Johannes Brahms.
5) Valentine Concert Features Brazilian Compositions
Guitarist Welson Tremura joins Todd Wright and Friends for “Brazilian Romance: An Evening of Valentine Jass” Feb. 14 and 8 p.m. at Appalachian State University. The performance in Broyhill Music Center’s Rosen Concert Hall is part of the Hayes School of Music’s Faculty Performance Series. Saxophonist Wright will be joined by Keith McCutchen, piano; Andy Page, guitar; Zack Page, bass; and Rick Dilling on drums for the special event. The program will feature compositions by Wright, Tremura, Antonia Carlos Jobim and others. Wright is director of jazz studies in the Hayes School of Music.