1) Blue Heaven Resort and Spa
The grand opening, ribbon cutting and inauguration of Blue Heaven Resort and Spa will take place on Wednesday, June 29, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Blue Heaven Resort and Spa will open its doors to the public with a formal ceremony on that date, followed by an open house on Saturday, June 22, from 1-5 p.m. We invite you to join us to celebrate when we open this destination spa for relaxation and healing. There will be light refreshments and tours. With breathtaking views, luxurious rooms, holistic dining and a specialty in Eastern treatments with natural oils, Blue Heaven Resort and Spa will be a unique addition to the High Country’s collection of resorts and spas. Our address is 911 Rock Cliff Road near Heavenly Mountain. RSVPs are encouraged, though people can drop by at any time on Saturday between 1 and 5 p.m. You can contact us at 800-368-5168. We look forward to welcoming you to the resort!
2) First Choral Evensong of the Season at St. Mary of the Hills Sunday, June 23 @ 3:30 p.m.
The choir of St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church will present the first choral evensong of the season this Sunday afternoon, June 23, at 3:30 p.m. in the nave of the church, followed by a reception and slide show of their recent study trip to Cambridge, England. Service music will include the setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Friedell and Preces and Responses by Tim Brown. The anthem will be the lovely and evocative Os Justi by Bruckner. The church is on Main Street in Blowing Rock. For more information on this service, please contact St. Mary of the Hills at 828-295-7323.
3) Buckeye Summer Camp 2013
The Buckeye Summer Camp starts in one week! Make sure to sign your campers up for this amazing summer experience. Buckeye Summer Camp Themed Weeks: June 24-June 28: Nickelodeon Days of Summer; July 1-July5: Red, White and Blue Week; July 8-July12: Around the World in Five Days; July 15-July 19: Hunger Games; July 22-July 26: Wild Beech; July 29-Aug 2: Spirit Week. For more information on the Buckeye Summer Camp, registration information and weekly itinerary, please click here.
4) Business After Hours
On Thursday, June 20, from 5-7 p.m. at 7539 Valley Blvd in Blowing Rock. In 1994, Tim Miller envisioned bringing the finest art in the Southeast to Blowing Rock, thus Blowing Rock Frameworks & Gallery, LTD. was created. The Blowing Rock art gallery has grown into a growing core of internationally recognized artists. Setting the standard in the High Country for fine art, Blowing Rock Frameworks & Gallery, LTD. has assembled over 25 of the most accomplished artist in the Southeast. A stroll through our Blowing Rock art gallery is as pleasing to the first time visitor as it is to our seasoned collectors.
5) Elkland Art Center’s Liberty Parade 2013
We’ve reached just over 20% of our $6,500 online fundraising goal for this year’s parade. Please show your support for this unique and singular event by pledging on Kickstarter. Rewards are part of the fun to make a pledge today! Only 15 days to go!
6) Banner House Museum
The 2013 Season for the Banner House Museum runs from now throug October 18, Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $1 for children ages 6-12. Located at 7990 Hickory Nut Gap Road, Banner Elk. Take a guided tour through time in this home built circa 1865 by Samuel Banner, one of Banner Elk’s founding families.
7) Tucker’s Gallery – Lenoir NC
Tucker’s Gallery is a unique outdoor gallery in Lenoir, NC. This gallery is seeking sculpture artists to feature in this much loved outdoor gallery. Lenoir is located in Caldwell County, a couty that is known for having more public sculpture per capita than anywhere else in the United States. Artists interested in being considered should send photos of up to 6 pieces to info@caldwellarts.com. Artists selected to exhibit will be guaranteed a one year contract in the gallery. All works must be suitable for outdoor display and there are some guidelines for the pieces. The gallery takes a small 30% commission and provides a small stipend for delivery of the work. For more information on Tucker’s Gallery, visit out website here or call 828-754-2486. This program is supported by the North Carolina Arts council, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources. It is a cooperative effort between the Caldwell Arts Council, the City of Lenoi and the Lenoir Tourism Development Association.