Email Announcements We Are Receiving Today: See What’s Going On Around The Community

1) Downtown Hickory Art Crawl Calls for Artists

The Hickory Downtown Development Association is seeking artists interested in participating in the Downtown Hickory Art Crawl on Thursday, May 15. The Downtown Hickory Art Crawl is a juried show with artists selected by a committee. Artists selected by the jury will be invited with no participation fees required. There will be room for up to 30 artists. The Art Crawl is planned from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Artists selected by the jury will be invited with no participation fees required. There will be room for up to 30 artists. The Art Crawl is planned from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. Artists selected to participate must be at their designated location by 4:30 p.m. unless other arrangements have been made. Selected artists will be placed in a business that compliments their works. There is no charge to the artist for participation and no commissions are charged on items sold, but artists are required to pay NC taxes. Artists will need to bring all necessary display items and chairs. Failure to show for the event may lead to being banned from other art events. Deadline for application is April 1. For more information on The HDDA, membership, businesses, other events and downtown Hickory, please call 828 322 1121 or email  Please visit the website,

2) Earn $300 as a Research Volunteer

Women between the ages of 18 and 50 are being recruited for a research study at Appalachian State University. Individuals selected for the study will receive $300 for adhering to all aspects of the study design. The study will investigate the influence of a dietary supplement in improving immune function and in decreasing the number of sick days from the common cold. The plant-based supplement contains special molecules that may stimulate the immune system to clear viruses from the body, lowering risk for the common cold. Women interested in participating in the study must be healthy, nonsmoking between 18 and 50 and have a body max index between 25 and 35. For example, a BMI of 25-35 for a 5-foot four inch tall  women would mean her weight is between 145-204 pounds. BMI varies according to height. You must be overweight to qualify for this study, meaning you weigh more than you should for your height. Volunteers must not have a history of autoimmune disease, asthma, or severe allergies; agree to make no special attempts to lose weight during the study; agree to maintain normal diet and physical activity habits; and be willing to avoid the use of antibiotics, antivirals, nasal steroids, decongestants, antihistamines, combination cold formulas, Echinacea, zinc or vitamin C. The research procedures will be conducted at the university’s Immunology Laboratory located in North Rankin Science Building, Room 203. Participants will come to the lab three times during the study for 15-30 minutes at which time a blood sample will be taken. Participants also will be required to keep a daily log to track common cold symptoms. To sign up for the study, email Melanie Austin at

3) Soil and Water Meeting 

The Watauga Soil and Water Conservation District Board will hold its regular board meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m. in the district office at 971 West King Street. The public is invited to attend. 

4) February Programs for Elk Knob State Park

  • Winter hike: Come on out and view the gorgeousness of Elk Knob in winter. Get some exercise in the midst of mountain splendor and learn about what the natural community is up to. Please dress appropriately for the weather. Meet Sunday, Feb. 9 at the summit trailhead at 2 p.m.
  • Winter observation hike: Be prepared to use your senses and see things that most people overlook. Learn something new and relax and enjoy this unhurried exploration. Meet at the trailhead parking lot on Saturday, Feb. 15 at 2 p.m.
  • Birds of the Southern Appalachians: Do you miss seeing a variety of birds in the winter months? Come and enjoy a powerpoint presentation about the many species of birds that can be seen at Elk Knob State Park and other locations in the mountains of North Carolina. Please meet at the park office at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23. This program will be held indoors. 

5) Blowing Rock Parks and Rec Beginning Kinder Basketball Program

Blowing Rock Parks and REcreation is beginning its winter Kinder Basketball Program for children ages 3, 4 and 5 years old. The goal of the program is to teach the basic skills of basketball, learn teamwork, good sportsmanship and to have fun. The program will run for four weeks beginning Feb. 25 and will meet Tuesdays and Thursday nights beginning at 5:30 p.m. Registration for Blowing Rock Taxpayers begins on Jan. 20 with open enrollment beginning on Jan 21. Register at the Blowing Rock Parks and Recreation office or visit our website at Come early, this program fills up quick. Your child’s birth certificate is required with registration, For more information, please call 295-5222.