1) Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes Scholarship Accepting Applications Until March 1
Seniors in Watauga, Ashe and Wilkes Counties are eligible to apply for scholarships supported by the Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes Scholarship Fund. Criteria for the award include academic excellence, extracurricular and community involvement, financial need, work history and residence for at least two years in Watauga, Ashe or Wilkes County. At least one $2,000 scholarship will be awarded in each county. The scholarship is renewable for three additional years with a total award in the amount of $8,000. Along with the application, an activity form and two 400-500 word essays are required. Applications are available from high school guidance counselors and at the Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes Scholarship website: www.wawscholarship.org. The deadline to apply is March 1.
2) ASU Faculty Recital Feb. 8 Features Works for Trombone and Tuba
Classical and contemporary compositions will be performed by trombonist Drew C. Leslie and tuba player Bernard H. Flythe during a faculty recital Feb. 8 at Appalachian State University. The free recital begins at 2 p.m. in Broyhill Music Center’s Rosen Concert Hall. Leslie is an assistant professor and Flythe is a visiting faculty member in the Hayes School of Music. They will be accompanied by pianists Aaron Ames, Junie Cho and Bair Shagdaron.
3) Baha’i Devotional Meeting Held Feb. 8
There will be a Baha’i Devotional Meeting at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 8, at 297 Cherry Dr. The theme of the meeting will be “Progressive Revelation.” Baha’is believe that all the world’s great faiths are divine in origin. All are welcome. For more information and directions, call 264-2297.
4) This Week’s Events at Lost Province Brewing Company
Tuesday, Feb. 3
Cheap date night at Lost Province. Dinner + A Movie only $25 6-10 p.m. Movie starts at 7 p.m. No charge to come and watch the movie. Movie feature this week is “Groundhog Day”.
Thursday, Feb. 5
$3.00 Thursday-$3.00 pints on all Lost Province brewed beers (except high gravity). 8:00 p.m.-Closing Live Music: THE KING BEES. The King Bees have been singin’ & swingin’ the blues since 1987. Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Lincoln Center New York City (several times), we’ve played ‘em all as well as Mississippi juke joints. Their great good fortune has allowed them to tour & record with the best & most culturally significant Blues artists including Carey Bell, Nappy Brown, Jerry McCain and many others…They’ve played with Bo Diddley and were part of B.B. King’s 80th Birthday Tour. (Optional Cover).
Friday, Feb. 6 (First Friday and Art Crawl)
Freakin’ Fusion Friday at Five continues with the release of 2 infusion beers at 5 p.m.:Mint Chocolate Chip Porter: Chocolate Porter through cacao nibs and mint. Blondes on the Beach: Blonde ale through pineapple and coconut (Pina Colada blonde ale). 8-11 p.m. Live Music: Dave Brewer and Friends. Dave Brewer will be rocking out at Lost Province Brewing Company along with a few other guest musicians. (Optional Cover).
Saturday, Feb. 7
College Basketball on the Big Screen. 8 p.m.-Closing Live Music: Analog Poets. Dedicated to providing Flow and Harmony thru Music, the Analog Poets are comprised of Dustin Hofsess- Guitar, Jonathan Priest- Drums, and Ben McPherron- Bass. (Optional Cover).
Sunday, Feb. 8
College Basketball on the Big Screen. Lost Province Sunday: Residents of “The Lost Province” (Watauga, Ashe, Avery and Alleghany) receive 10 percent off food with verification of residency.
Tuesday, Feb. 10
Cheap date night at Lost Province. Dinner + A Movie only $25 6-10 p.m. Movie starts at 7 p.m. No charge to come and watch the movie. Movie feature this week is “Roxanne”.