1) Smith Gallery at Appalachian State University Presents The Gay Rub
The Smith Gallery at Appalachian State University presents The Gay Rub, a new exhibition of rubbings by Steven Reigns. The Gay Rub will be on view from Jan. 20-Feb. 13 at the Smith Gallry in the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts. A public reception will be held on Jan. 29 from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Smith Gallery with a short talk by Reigns at 5:30 p.m. The Gay Rub is curated by Smith Gallery Director Jody Servon. Reigns will be on campus from Jan. 28-30 to interact with students, faculty and community members and to conduct autobiographical writing workshops.
2) Now Casting: The People of North Carolina
Are you a North Carolina resident? Do you have an interesting job or hobby? Do you own a unique business? Do you live a different lifestyle native to North Carolina? Are you an innovator who marches to the beat of your own drum? Whether you live off the grid or you’re the biggest character in your town, we want to hear from you! A major cable network is currently searching all North Carolina for quirky and unique individuals with fascinating jobs, businesses, hobbies, lifestyles or interesting stories to share. We will be heading down to North Carolina to meet these people and hear their stories, so if you or someone you know fits the bill, please contact us ASAP at molly.tom@leftfieldproductions.com with your name, contact information, a brief description of yourself and why you would be a good fit for our project. Additionally, include a few pictures of yourself.
3) Baha’i Devotional Meeting Held Jan. 25
There will be a Baha’i Devotional Meeting held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 25, at 297 Cherry Dr. in Boone. The theme of the meeting will be “Divine Generosity.” Baha’is believe in the underlying unity of all the world’s great faiths. All are welcome. For more information and directions call 264-2297.
4) Weekly Events at Lost Province Brewing Company
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015
Cheap date night at Lost Province. Dinner + A Movie only $25 6-10pm. Movie starts at 8PM. No charge to come and watch the movie. Movie feature this week is “Cool Runnings”.
Thursday, Jan. 22
$3.00 Thursday-$3.00 pints on all Lost Province brewed beers (except high gravity)
8:00pm-Closing Live Music: Klee Lyles. Klee is a singer song writer from Boone. Klee plays acoustic guitar and sings a repertoire of pop/rock songs. (Optional Cover).
Friday, Jan. 23
Freakin’ Firkin Friday at Five continues with the release of a special infusion beer at 5pm.
8-11pm Live Music with Mountain Radio: Mountain Radio returns to Lost Province Friday evening. Laced with elements of folk, country, southern rock, blues and rockabilly, Mountain Radio creates a unique sound that is dark, driving, earthy, and at the same time upbeat, bringing forth a genuine, soulful and eclectic approach to acoustic music. (Optional Cover).
Saturday, Jan. 24
8pm-Closing Live Music: Tin Can Alley. Classic soul and R&B from the 1960’s. (Optional Cover).
Sunday, Jan. 25
College Basketball Games on the large screen.
Lost Province Sunday: Residents of “The Lost Province” (Watauga, Ashe, Avery and Alleghany) receive 10% off food with verification of residency.
Tuesday, Jan. 27
Cheap date night at Lost Province. Dinner + A Movie only $25 6-10pm. Movie starts at 8PM. No charge to come and watch the movie. Movie feature this week is “Fargo”.