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Email Announcements Received Today:

1) Community Appearance Commission Meeting Held Oct. 28

A meeting of the Town of Boone Community Appearance Commission will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 6 p.m. in the Planning and Inspections Upstairs Conference Room located at 680 W. King St.

2) Call for Photographers for Anthology of Appalachian Photographers

All photographers living in southern Appalachia are invited to enter five photographs for possible inclusion in a new juried Anthology of Appalachian Photographers. Subject matter does not necessarily need to be set in Appalachia; subject matter can be anything, from anywhere in the world. This is a unique opportunity to possibly be included in an important Anthology. Deadline is Nov. 15. For more information click here.

3) Quilt Guild Meeting Nov. 6

The Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, Nov. 6, at 1:30 p.m. We meet in the conference room on the second floor of the Senior Center on Poplar Grove Connector in Boone. The guest speaker, Suzi Parron, is the co-author of Barns, Quilts and the Trail Movement. She and Donna Sue Groves were instrumental in the movement to put quilt squares on barns. You’ll be fascinated by the photographs and the wonderful stories Suzi tells about her travels throughout the United States. Call Dolores at 828-295-6148 for more information.

4) Baird’s Creek Presbyterian Church Holds 75th Anniversary Celebration Nov. 2

Bairds Creek Presbyterian Church will hold a 75th anniversary celebration on Sunday, Nov. 2. A worship service will be held at 11 a.m., with Rev. Spears Alexander preaching. Covered dish dinner will immediately follow the worship service. Turkey Tracks Trio will play old-time mountain music. The church is located at 2147 N.C. 194 South in Vilas.

5) Faure’s Requiem for the Feast of All Souls Held Nov. 1

St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church will celebrate the Feast of All Souls with a full choral mass featuring the Requiem in D Minor by Gabriel Fauré on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 5 p.m. in the nave of the church.  Requiem masses celebrate the lives of those who have died and express our hope for eternal rest for the souls of the departed. Fauré’s composition is one of the world’s most beloved settings of the Requiem. One reason for the beauty and loving intensity of the work may be that Fauré  began work on the Requiem in 1885, following the death of his father; by the time of the first performance his mother had also died. It stands in striking contrast with other well-known, operatic Requiem masses by Berlioz and Verdi that were composed during the same period, and to masses that focus on Judgement and Fear.  Fauré  himself is quoted by a biographer as saying that his mass reflects his own gentle nature; “it is thus that I see death: as a happy deliverance, an aspiration towards happiness above, rather than as a painful experience.” This attitude is perhaps most clearly seen in the final section of the music, In Paradisum – literally a vision of the Kingdom of Heaven, sung primarily by a host of angelic sopranos. The Requiem will be sung by the choir of St. Mary of the Hills as an integral part of the liturgy, and will be accompanied by Tom Veale on harp, and Joby Bell on the church’s new Lively-Fulcher organ.   Amanda Silverman will be the soprano soloist.  Please make plans to celebrate the Feast of All Souls with us.  St. Mary’s is on Main street in Blowing Rock.  For more information, please call the church office at 828-295-7323.

6) Watauga Christian Fellowship Holds Gospel Singing Nov. 1

The Watauga Christian Fellowship, located at 1311 Old U.S. 421 South in Boone will hold gospel singing on Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. Singers will include JoAnne Watson, David and Sylvia Byers, Outreach (Jay and Judy), Pastor Johnny Ethridge, Portrait of Grace (Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cornett) and Heaven’s Joy. For more information call 828-334-8917. Refreshments will be served after the singing.