1) Appalachian’s Opera Theatre Presents “Amahl” and “The Impresario”
THe Hayes School of Music Opera Theater will present “Amahl and the Nigh Visitors” and “The Impresario” Nov. 13-16 at Appalachian State University. The one-act operas will be performed in Broyhill Music Center’s Rosen Concert Hall. Performance times are 8 p.m. Nov. 13-15 and 2 p.m. Nov. 26. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults and can be purchased through the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts Box Office. Both operas will be sung in English. Dr. Joseph Amaya is the artistic director for “Amahl” and John Fowler is the artistic director for “The Impressario.” GIan Carl Menotti’s Christmas opera is inspired by Hieronymus Bosch’s famous painting “The Adoration of the Magi.” In the opera, a crippled boy and his mother encounter three kinds on their way to Bethlehem. Amahl is cured when he gives his crutch to the kings. Only an hour in length, the one-act opera’s beautiful score and touching libretto is appealing to all ages and musical backgrounds. It remains an inspiring story of how faith, charity, unselfish love and good deeds can work miracles. The opera is double cast, with Hayes School of Music students alternating performances. Amahl will be portrayed by Chloe Lucente and Nicole Barone. The role of mother will be sung by Allison Deters and Sarah Cave. Ethan Garner and A.J. McCurry are cast as Kasper. Melchoir will be portrayed by Eli English and Coburn Jones. Jacob Cook will sing the role of Balthasar, while th erole of Page will be sung by Rhyle Duran and Robby Steinour. Additional students will perform in the chorus or as dancers. Mozart’s “The Impresario” is a one-act comedy in which two actresses audition for the lead role in the impresario’s opera production. Both are hired, but as each possesses oversized egos, they vie for the lead role by singing arias seeking to outdo the other as they illustrate their talent. Also double cast, Elizabeth Thomas and Alicia Colvard alternate in the role of Ms. Herz. Ms Silberklang is played by Elizabeth Chapa and Sarah Swan. The Impresario is portrayed by Steven Austin and Remy Martin. Puf the assistant is portrayed by Morgan Prince and Evan Gray. Also appearing in the opera are Kimberly Hilton and Farren Hilliard as the Secretary. Guest artists are portrayed by Lexi Stegman, Eli English, Ethan Garner and Josh Allen.
2) Code Red System Text Nov. 13
The Watauga County Department of Communications and Emergency Services will be conducting a county-wide test of the CodeRED Emergency Notification System of Nov. 13. Testing will begin in the afternoon and will continue until the entire database has been contacted. The purpose is to allow Watauga County Emergency Personnel the opportunity to test the system in an event of a community or county-wide emergency. Recipients should receive an informational message including instructions on ow to add additional contact information. Jeff Viginia, the Watauga County Communications and Emergency Services Director, recommends that all individuals nad businesses take the time to visit the websites listed below and add contact information to include cellular phones and other non-traditional phones as well as email and text addresses. If your contact information is incorrect or not in the database you will not receive a call when an emergency message is sent. In particular, businesses and individuals that have an unlisted phone number, changed their phone number recently, use a cellular phone exclusively or have VoIP phones as their primary numbers are encouraged to add or update their contact information. Virginia urges citizens to log into the Watauga County website at www.wataugacounty.org or Town of Blowing Rock residents who reside in Watauga County visit the Town of Blowing Rock website at www.townofblowingrock.com and follow the CodeRED link on the bottom of the page. All information from the Blowing Rock system is included in the Watauga County System. Those without internet access may call 828-264-4235, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Required information includes a street address for location purposes and a primary phone number. Additional phone numbers, email and text addresses may also be entered. Additional information about CodeRED System is available on the Watauga County website and the Blowing Rock website. Questions should be directed to the Watauga County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Office at 828-264-4235.