By Jessica Isaacs
A group of students working to improve the lives of people overseas have also found a way to make a difference here at home this holiday season.
These aspiring medical professionals and humanitarians are part of App’s recently established Global Medical Training program, one of 11 university-based chapters of the international agency that provides free medical and dental services to medically deprived, poverty-stricken communities in Central American countries.
GMT provides training for students who will travel to participate in hands-on medical clinics overseas.
“Medical, pre-medical, dental and pre-dental students as well as all other future professionals will best maximize their potential by globalizing the vision they have of their careers and lives,” the international organization’s website reads. “This means that they must expose themselves to other ways of living, working, and providing healthcare in contrast to that in their own societies. It is ideal to do this within the intimate milieu of other cultures. Applying what they learn to that which they face as students, medical professionals, and informed adults can contribute greatly to their development as excellent healthcare providers and caring, service oriented human beings.
Although they’re just out of the starting gate on their global mission, GMT students at ASU have made community service a priority in their own back yard, as well. They recently launched the inaugural “Bikes, Baby Dolls and Fishing Poles” fundraiser, through which collected monetary donations will be used to get Christmas gifts to local families.
App State GMT has partnered with programs like Watauga County Public Schools and Santa’s Toy Box to ensure gifts are making their way to the children in need.
Want to help them bring a smile to someone’s face this holiday season? Access the project’s online GoFundMe page to make your donation through the end of the week before Christmas. Contribute $15 for a fishing pole, $20 for a baby doll or $50 for a bicycle.
Follow the App State GMT team on Facebook for updates on this and other programs.
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