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Development Group Seeks To Build Condos on Former Blowing Rock Hospital Site

chestnut drive
Artist rendering of the proposal at the old Blowing Rock Hospital site.

Compiled by Jesse Wood

On Tuesday, July 12, the Blowing Rock Town Council will consider a conditional rezoning of the old Blowing Rock Hospital Property from a hospital medical complex into multi-family district.

Charlotte-based Chestnut Development Partners LLC is requesting the rezoning on the 3.61-acre property located at 364 and 420 Chestnut Drive in Blowing Rock. The development group is proposing to demolish the hospital and clinic and build 24 condominium units.

According to a memo from Planning Director Kevin Rothrock to the council, the current HMC zoning district allows up to seven units per acre for multi-family, which is what the applicant is requesting.

An aerial rendering of the project.

Building plans show four-level buildings with three units in each building. The building height will not exceed 35 feet from grade at the main level entrance. As for parking, plans call for 76 parking spaces with 48 spaces in multiple two-car garages located under the condo units. The other spaces are for visitors.

A neighborhood meeting was held in Town Hall in early June, and about 50 folks showed up. Two weeks later, the Planning Board approved the conditional rezoning with the following additional conditions:

  • Roll-out style cans will be used for garbage collection
  • All infrastructure will be completed prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy
  • The Applicant will coordinate an acceptable construction traffic plan with the Police Department and other department supervisors prior to the demolition phase of the project.

The majority of demolition is expected to be completed within the first three months of the project.

The property is owned by the Appalachian Regional Healthcare System.

Gillian K Baker, Vice President Corporate Communications for ARHS, said that the property of the old Blowing Rock Hospital, currently known as Blowing Rock Rehabilitation and Davant Extended Care, will be sold once the new facility, Foley Center at Chestnut Ridge, opens across the street from Edmisten Road on U.S. 321.

An opening date for the Foley Center is expected to occur in September, although a date has not been finalized yet.

See the packet info regarding this proposal here, and view the entire agenda for Tuesday’s meeting here. See artist renderings for the project below.