From the Desk of Avery County Schools Supt. David Burleson: Weather and Counseling Update

Dear Editor,

Up to this point in the school year, winter weather has not had a tremendous impact on our schedule but it always creates some challenges. As we meet those challenges, we express our sincere appreciation to everyone for their patience and support as we strive to make decisions that promote safety.

As of Friday, January 27, here is where we are with days missed due to inclement weather:

  • 3 days have been missed.
  • 7 hours missed for Delays/Early Dismissals
Supt. Burleson
Supt. Burleson

The extended instructional time has allowed us to not make up the 3 days we have missed and if the additional time is continued until the end of the year there will be 8 or 9 more days that can be used to make-up time.

During the winter months when roads become hazardous due to snow and ice, our goal is to transport students to and from school in the safest manner possible. We realize that our buses carry your most treasured possession, and we commit to offer the best and safest travel possible. Our school bus drivers and transportation specialists are well trained, dedicated and committed to the safety of each child in the Avery County Schools. Our buses begin to leave as early as 5:20 a.m. each morning and do not complete their afternoon routes until 6 p.m. Our goal is to make a decision about the operation of school by 4:30 a.m. each morning after driving on roads around the county, reviewing local forecasts and talking with meteorologists, especially Ray’s Weather.

Also, as we celebrate Counselor Appreciation Week from February 5 to February 11, I want to personally thank each of our Avery County School’s counselors, social workers, and school psychologists for the outstanding job they do and for making a difference in the lives of children.  Our counselors have a significant calling to help children deal with many of life’s tragic and unexpected events. Our counselors do much more than testing and registration. They console, assure, encourage, and express sympathy along with countless other tasks to support children. A counselor makes a difference in the life of a child and is vital in shaping the future of all our students.

I want to commend our counselors for their hard work, their dedication, and their willingness to understand the seriousness of the work they do every day. The children who walk into our schools each and every day are our most precious resource and the future of our entire country depends on them. Personally, I feel that our young people in Avery County are in wonderful, caring hands because of the people we have in the Avery County Schools. What is done for each child matters. Thanks to each of you for caring enough to make a difference in the life of a child.


ACS Supt. David Burleson