From the Desk of ACS Supt. David Burleson: Thank You To B2S Bash Donors

To the Editor:

On Monday, August 22, the Avery County Schools welcomed over 2,000 students back for another exciting school year. Much hard work went into having our schools prepared for the students to enter their schools, and I want to thank all those who put forth that effort in dedicated service to our students. As always, when starting a new year, there are adjustments to be made in perfecting bus routes, cafeteria schedules, student schedules, and other various issues. We appreciate your patience as we strive to resolve these issues in ways that will best serve our students.

Supt. Burleson
Supt. Burleson

In addition to a great start of a new year, our community was able to participate in the third annual Back to School Bash on Saturday, August 13. This event was far reaching and offered tremendous support and encouragement to our students and families. The Back to School Bash was a true blessing and affirmed how our county cares so abundantly for its children. This program emphasized clearly how much Avery County values our young people and how much they support our school system. No one could possibly place a value on what this event meant in the lives of these students, both monetarily and emotionally.

From the churches that donated money, supplies, and materials, to the community organizations that showed up to distribute materials—“Thank you”. Over seven hundred of our Avery County Schools’ students along with family members came out for a day of fun, excitement, information, and great fellowship. A very special thank you goes out to Betty Miles, Libby Wise, Bev Baird and Kathy Benfield for all their hard work and effort to put this together. We also extend special appreciation to the Avery High ROTC under the direction of Maj. Randel Matney, the Avery County Schools Maintenance Department, the Avery High School Custodians and all our volunteers and donors.

There were many groups and individuals who assisted and supported our Back to School Bash; and I want to express my deepest gratitude for those contributions. If you were a part of this important event and do not find your name on the following list, please let us know so that we can appropriately tell you so. (I apologize ahead of time for any omissions.) Again, thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students!

AHS Booster Club
AHS JROTC/Randel Matney
AHS Marching Band

Joanne Abrams

Adele Singletary

AHS Basketball Team/Coach Scott Grubb

Appalachian Regional Healthcare Systems

Avery County Health Department/Vivian Greene

Ellis Ayers

Coleman Bailey

Lynn Bailey

Charles & Anna Baker

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church/Field Russell

Shelby Barrier

Town of Beech Mountain

Linda Benfield

Seth Benfield

Gerald & Bonye Bowman

Buckeye Recreation Center

Jena Burnop

Adele Byrd

Jeff Byrd

Kelly Byrd

Carolina West Wireless/Doug Gragg

Carolina Wood Fence Co., Inc.

Justin Carver

The Center for Bodywork, Inc./Deborah J. Stewart

Coats America


Martin & Florence Conroy

John Cox

Cranberry Baptist Chruch

Crossnore First Baptist Church/Baptist Women’s Group

Crossnore Presbyterian Church

Richard & Diane Cunningham

Emily Dellinger

Tommie Deyton

Donna Duncan Insurance Services

Dr Grace Aten

Fletcher Presbyterian Church

Will & Amy Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Fred France

Dean Franklin

Gouge & Greene, Inc

Tim & Vickie Greene

Todd Griffin

Amanda Grindstaff

Tracy Grit

Scott Grubb

Logan Gwyn

Tracy Hastings

Amelia Hernandez

Richard & Dawn Honeycutt

Twila Ingwersen

Angie Jackson

Tyre Jackson

Jamie Johnson

Jonas Ridge United Methodist Church

Major Randel Matney

Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk

Lacey Realty

Land Harbor Ballroom Dance Group

Land Harbor Shuffleboard Club


Linville Resorts/John Blackburn

Sarah McGill

Laura McIntosh

Rev. Michael McKee

Aaron McKinney

Mike and Judy Lilly

Betty Mills

Janet Millsaps

Emma Moody

Mountain Heritage Systems

Mountainside Lutheran Church

Edwin Neff

Newland Presbyterian Church

Oak Grove Baptist Church/Ron Greene

Sydney Paige

Martha Parlier

Jon & Gail Patterson

Fred Phol

Phillip Greene

Pineola Baptist Church

Derrell Pittman

Powder Mill Baptist Church/Michael Burnop

Caleb Pritchard

R & J Investments of Eden, LLC

Brian Raymond

Bruce & Barbara Roesner

Jill Rogers

Griffin Rogers

Henry & Joann Rullman

Monet Samuelson

Saturday Night Dance

SGA/Andy Miller

Teresa Shadoin

Carrie Shaffer

Ruth Shirley

Kelley Shoemaker

Patricia Shook

Edwina Sluder

Jena Sluder

Loretta Sluder

Ginger Sparks

State Employees Credit Union

Susan Staton

Sugar Mountain Resort

Dr. William Tate II

Town of Beech Mtn. Parks & Rec. Dept

Ken Townsend

United Community Bank

Merle & Ruth Unks

Angie Vitalie

Arlene Weinsier

Michael & Maureen Welling

Hunter Whittington

John & Judy Wofford

Please mark your calendars for the 2017 Back to School Bash, tentatively set for Saturday, August 6. We hope that we can grow the event and include even more community stakeholders. Interested persons may contact Libby Wise at or me at

As I have stated many times, our schools are stronger because of your support and participation. Remember that we are here to assist you or answer any questions that you may have. Feel free to give us a call at (828) 733 – 6006 or visit

‘Together, we can build bright futures one child at a time.’

David Burleson, Superintendent