Dear Editor:

It is difficult to believe that almost half the school year is already completed, and the Christmas holidays will begin on December 21. The Christmas holiday schedule for the Avery County Schools are as follows:
Wednesday, December 21 – Early Dismissal for Christmas (Students in all schools except Newland Elementary will be dismissed at 12 noon. Newland Elementary will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. Faculty and staff are dismissed at 1 p.m.)
Thursday, December 22 to Monday, January 2 – Christmas Vacation
Tuesday, January 3 – Optional Workday
The students of the Avery County Schools have achieved a great deal of success thus far and we anticipate even more achievements during the remainder of the school year. Our students have improved academically, competed well athletically, and participated proudly in a variety of other activities. Most importantly, we are proud that our students have progressed in their character development and citizenship skills. I am very proud of all that our students do for others in our community.
I want to thank each individual in our school system who works so diligently every day to provide the best possible education to our students. My gratitude is extended to each parent who has provided support to his/her child and to the school system. We are very blessed to live in a community that conscientiously assumes its responsibility to educate children and to provide the necessary resources for their success.
As 2017 approaches, we anticipate the year with excitement; yet, we know much work is yet to be done. It is imperative that we continue to work together as a community to support each other and to continue to emphasize the importance of education. It is also of great importance to meet the needs of each student who is in our school system.
As our school system continues to work with parents and the community to fulfill the challenge of educating our children, please share your ideas and suggestions. Your input is greatly appreciated and needed. Together, we can accomplish so much for the young people of Avery County.
Best wishes to you and your family for the most blessed of Christmases and the best of new years. With your continued support, the Avery County Schools can and will help each child achieve all the success and happiness he/she so richly deserves. Together, we can make sure that all our children experience success.
David Burleson
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