Deerfield Ridge Hosting Fundraiser Sept. 6 to Benefit High Country Native Diagnosed with Advanced Heart Failure

By Paul T. Choate

Jessica Fournier

Aug. 30, 2012. Deerfield Ridge Assisted Living is hosting a breakfast fundraiser on Thursday, Sept. 6, to benefit a young member of the High Country family who has been diagnosed with advanced heart failure.

Jessica Fournier, a 27-year-old High Country native, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (which translates literally as “heart muscle disease”) in January 2011. Since that time she has undergone a great deal of expensive testing and medical procedures.

Recently, Fournier’s condition was upgraded to advanced heart failure. She was rushed to meet with the head of the heart transplant team at Duke University Hospital.

Elizabeth Young, executive director at Deerfield Ridge, said Fournier has been moved near the top of the list for a transplant given her age and otherwise excellent health.

“Doctors have stated that she is an excellent candidate for a heart transplant and we are very much looking forward to her receiving that soon and wishing her the best recovery possible,” said Young.

Fournier was born and raised in Ashe County. She attended Fleetwood Elementary School and then Ashe County High School, where she graduated in 2003. She attained her associate’s degree through Wake Technical Community College while attending the Wilkes Community College Ashe campus. Her mother, Joyce Fournier, is the dietary services director at Deerfield Ridge.

Prior to the tragic diagnosis, Fournier was going about her life just like any normal young woman.

“She enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking really healthy foods, reading and watching New England Patriots football,” said Young. “She is a very warm, friendly woman that is very family-oriented.”

Now, when faced with severe adversity, Young said Fournier is doing everything she can to stay positive and make the best of the situation.

“She has researched her own diagnosis and has really done a lot to be her own best advocate,” said Young. “She is really trying to make sure that everything is going smoothly and staying on top of the doctors to make sure that everything is being done that is needed.”

The breakfast plate fundraiser will be held from 7:30 until 10 a.m. Plates are $8 each and include biscuits and gravy, eggs, country ham, bacon, sausage, potatoes, baked apples, juice and coffee. To-go boxes will also be offered. An RSVP is recommended but not required.

Deerfield Ridge Assisted Living is located at 287 Bamboo Road, Boone.

In addition to the fundraiser, Young said those who feel called to and are financially able could donate directly by making checks out to Jessica Fournier and mailing them to:

Joyce Fournier
Deerfield Ridge Assisted Living
287 Bamboo Road
Boone, NC 28607

To RSVP for the fundraiser or to find out other ways to help Jessica Fournier pull through this difficult ordeal, call Elizabeth Young at 828-264-0336 or email
