Watauga County Clerk of Court Diane Cornett Deal released the following statement in regards to the COVID-19 coronavirus precautions being taken at the court house.
We are all trying to take necessary precautions to protect the public we serve as well as to protect our staff who are on the front lines during this Coronavirus pandemic.
The Watauga County Clerk’s office is open as are other offices at the courthouse. We respectfully ask that if you are sick please do not come to the office. If you need to file paperwork in a case, please consider mailing it if possible.
Many forms can be found at www.nccourts.gov. If you need assistance to find a particular form, call my office at 828-268-6600. And if you need to send anything by mail our address is: Clerk of Superior Court, 842 W King St., Boone, NC 28607.
There are online services concerning paying tickets or asking for reductions of tickets that can also be found at https://www.nccourts.gov/services. We would like to encourage those of you who had pending tickets to take advantage of these online services.
All jurors who received a summons or notice to appear as a juror for the weeks of March 23rd, March 30th, April 6th or, April 13th do not need to report for jury service. Chief Justice Cheri Beasley has ordered that all superior court and district court proceedings be scheduled or rescheduled for a date 30 days beyond March 16th. The names of jurors who where scheduled during any of the above-mentioned sessions will go back into our jury pool to be drawn again at a later time.
Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience as we each do what we can to protect the health and wellbeing of our people.