COVID-19 Update: A Reminder that Only a Small Percentage of County Residents Have Contracted the Virus

AppHealthCare total positive cases

With the thousands upon thousands of positive case totals still happening across the United States, it’s easy to lose track of the COVID-19 positive tests at the local level. Fortunately for most in Watauga County, the virus has not spread quickly since the first positive test back in March.

According to the United States Census Bureau data, Watauga County has approximately 56,177 residents. So far, 660 people have tested positive for the virus. That is roughly 1.1 percent of the county population that has contracted COVID-19.

The numbers are similar among Appalachian State University students. Only 1.3 percent (255 out of 20,023 students) have tested positive for COVID-19.

AppHealthCare current active cases

Currently, there are 53 students at the university with active coronavirus cases, 78 people in Watauga County with active cases, 15 in Ashe County, and six in Alleghany. Currently, 34 people in the three-county area are being hospitalized from COVID-19 complications.

In North Carolina, there has been a total of 182,286 positive COVID-19 cases and 2,558,654 completed tests. Currently, there are 938 North Carolinians hospitalized from COVID-19 complications.