The number of available COVID-19 test kits in Ashe, Watauga, and Alleghany counties is less than what was available last week. As of Monday, May 11, there are 374 test kits combined in those three counties. Last week, there were 416 test kits available in the three counties.
This week, Ashe has 173 available test kits while Watauga has 114 available test kits and Alleghany has 87 test kits.
May 11 Testing Numbers
Alleghany County
The number of COVID-19 tests collected today by AppHealthCare for Alleghany County is 4. To date, AppHealthCare has collected 96 tests for Alleghany County.
The number of COVID-19 tests collected from outside agencies and reported to AppHealthCare to date is 22 for Alleghany County.
Ashe County
The number of COVID-19 tests collected today by AppHealthCare for Ashe County is 9. To date, AppHealthCare has collected 22 tests for Ashe County.
The number of COVID-19 tests collected from outside agencies and reported to AppHealthCare to date is 105 for Ashe County.
Watauga County
The number of COVID-19 tests collected today by AppHealthCare for Watauga County is 2. To date, AppHealthCare has collected 90 tests for Watauga County.
The number of COVID-19 tests collected from outside agencies and reported to AppHealthCare to date is 274 for Watauga County.
Individuals Actively Being Monitored*
Alleghany – 7
Ashe – 21
Watauga – 2
Residents outside of these counties – 6
Total – 36
*The number of individuals AppHealthCare staff are monitoring due to being exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case. These individuals are currently in quarantine, monitoring their symptoms. This number is updated each day Monday through Friday by 5pm.