Cooperative Extension at N.C A&T State University is hosting the annual Small Farms Agrishop Series, with the High Country opportunity for this event to take place on Monday, February 24 at the Watauga Agricultural Conference Center at 252 Poplar Grove Road, Boone. The workshop will cover a series of topics on locally-adapted agricultural opportunities and strategies. The AgriShop runs from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, and attendance to the full day of workshops will give two hours of X, D, N, & O Pesticide Credits to license holders.
The 2020 North West Region AgriShop, topics include: Color Plastic Mulch; Farm Health & Safety; Apple & Blueberry Production; Hemp Harvest & Post-Harvest Processing; Marketing Heirloom Tomatoes; Medicinal Herbs; Pollinator Buffers; Small Ruminant Management & Nutrition; and guidance toward Writing a Food Safety Plan.
The AgriShop is free to growers and includes a locally-catered lunch. Pre-registration before Tuesday, February 18 is required. To register, please go to the following link:
Participants can look forward to engaging and informative presentations from colleagues of Cooperative Extension at N.C A&T and the local Cooperative Extension centers. Cooperative Extension at N.C. A&T helps people across the state lead better lives by finding solutions to their problems. Cooperative Extension at N.C A&T delivers educational programs and technology to enrich the lives, the land and the economy of North Carolina’s limited-resource individuals, families and communities.
For more information regarding the 2020 Agrishop Series, or if you need any accommodations to participate in this activity or event, please contact Ms. Tiffany Slade at 336-285-4653 or by e-mail at by Tuesday, February 18.