By Nathan Ham
The Town of Boone released its latest update on the ongoing construction work involved with the New River Water Intake Project.
The project, which was initially supposed to have been completed by November 7, received an extension on the project for up to three months that was approved by the town council in October.
Harper Corporation continues to work on completion of chemical piping, installation of new clarifier controllers and installing a new roof on the existing water treatment plant building. Other smaller punch list items will be completed as well. At the intake site, all pumps and generators have been installed and crews have completed site grading. The remaining work will include some electrical work and other punch list items. The final work area at the booster pump station now has a completed parking lot and all electrical work as been completed. The remainder of the work here will focus around stabilizing the creek bank and other punch list items.
According to the update shared by town officials, the Harper Corporation and the Town of Boone Public Works Staff are anticipating an on-site review of the entire project to happen in early January as “project items are completed and substantial completion is met per the contract documents.”
A number of factors played a role in the project not making its current deadline. Part of the additional time needed came from delayed or cancelled inspections. Some of the inspections were postponed because of the weather and other inspections were postponed and rescheduled by the contractor. In a previous update on the water intake project, Charlotte company S&ME, Inc. shared documents that showed a total of 12 inspections from July 24, 2017 to September 24, 2018 that were rescheduled for later dates.