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Confirmed Case of COVID-19 with Ashe County Resident on Thursday is an App State Employee

Appalachian District Health Department (AppHealthCare) has informed Appalachian State University leadership that an App State employee, who is a resident of Ashe County, has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual has fully cooperated with isolation instructions and is recovering at home. Public health staff have identified close contacts, and they are in quarantine. Read the news release here.

Appalachian State University, AppHealthCare and the North Carolina Division of Public Health continue working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

With nearly all students and employees currently off campus, we hear of self-reported, confirmed cases that are not being tested by AppHealthCare or App State. As we learn of these cases, we are coordinating with local public health agencies to the greatest extent possible, in consultation with the North Carolina Division of Public Health Communicable Disease team.

Students who are concerned about symptoms should call Student Health Services at 828-262-3100 and ask to speak with a nurse. Faculty or staff who have concerns about students or their own health diagnoses should reach out to safety@appstate.edu.

It is important to rely on official sources of information for facts about COVID-19, not share unconfirmed information, and practice prevention measures like handwashing, covering your coughs and sneezes, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.

The university has a dedicated website about its response to COVID-19.

App State and AppHealthCare will work together to continue monitoring COVID-19 at the university and in our community and to keep the public informed.