Classes Resume at Appalachian State and AppalCart Returns to Normal Route Schedule

By Nathan Ham

Appalachian State University students headed back to their dorms and classrooms on Monday with spring semester classes getting underway. 

A total of 19,280 students were enrolled to begin the 2019-20 academic year and approximately 1,300 students graduated in December’s commencement ceremony. 

Looking at the rest of the 2020 spring calendar, the university will be closed next Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Spring break is scheduled for March 9-13 and early enrollment for the 2020 fall semester will begin on April 1 and continue through April 15. The university will be closed on Friday, April 10 for Good Friday. The last day of classes will be April 29 and final exams will start on May 1 and continue through May 7. Commencement ceremonies will take place on May 8-9. 

With classes resuming at App State, the AppalCart will return to its normal routes throughout campus. The winter break schedule concluded on Friday. For an updated schedule of stops, visit the AppalCart website