Over 400 Class of 2021 High School Graduates Received Diplomas on Friday, May 28

By Harley Nefe

Watauga High School seniors had plenty of reasons to celebrate making it through their final school year. To say the whole year was a challenge would be an understatement as students, teachers and staff members had to deal with COVID-19 changing so much of what they were used to.

Teachers started the year with vacant classrooms. Students were learning remotely and taking exams online, all while missing those lunchroom conversations with close friends or attending sporting events that were all pushed back and rescheduled.

This senior class earned every inch of these diplomas they received on May 28 at App State’s Holmes Convocation Center.

Some things finally did get back to normal, like being able to have an in-person graduation ceremony, unlike last year when 2020 seniors participated in a drive-thru ceremony. Students were able to return to the classrooms, first on a limited basis, then for all ages that felt safe enough to return to the buildings.

A total of 351 Watauga High School seniors and 53 graduates of the Watauga Innovation Academy officially closed the book on their high school careers and will now look to what will likely be a bright future for so many bright minds.

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