Tuesday night featured the first of three scheduled Presidential Debates ahead of the 2020 Election. President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden traded barbs throughout the evening in a debate moderated by FOX News’ Chris Wallace.
Here are statements from each campaign following last night’s debate.
Trump Campaign
“President Trump just turned in the greatest debate performance in presidential history, displaying a command of the facts and control of the conversation. Joe Biden was revealed as too weak to be president and spent most of the evening on his heels, unable to explain his 47 years of failure as a Washington politician, and even his friends in the liberal media will be unable to spin this as anything other than a miserable failure. Biden is too weak to stand up to the radical left, too weak to stand up to China, too weak to stand up to anti-police leftists, too weak to lead on the economy, and too weak to defeat Covid. Americans saw a strong president on top of his game against an inadequate challenger, who cannot be allowed to become president.”
Biden Campaign
“Last night, Joe Biden took early command of the stage and deftly demonstrated strong and steady leadership during the course of the debate. Despite President Trump’s attempts to distract from his leadership failures, Biden communicated clearly and directly with the American people. He laid out his multipronged vision for addressing COVID-19 and the steps he would take to grow our economy and build back better. For four years, North Carolinians have dealt with a President who lies to them, divides this nation, and puts himself before their families. Biden showed strength and empathy as he spoke to millions of voters who are looking for a President to tell them the truth and bring the country together.”