Boone’s ‘Chargers and Rechargers Hiking Club’ Releases Full Hike Schedule for April, May and June

 Chargers and Rechargers Hiking Club


Wednesday, April 11, New River Trail State Park. 5 easy miles on well-maintained trails. Hike can be made longer. Ends with restaurant stop. No dogs. Contact hike leader Allmuth “Curly” Perzel, 336-982-8591.

Saturday, April 14, Grayson Highlands. 4½ mi., rated moderate to strenuous from Massie Gap among huge boulders at Rhododendron Gap plus 2 mi. Cabin Creek Trail. Loop which includes Cabin Creek Falls.  Meet wild ponies up close and personal. Considerable sections are rocky and strenuous.  No dogs. Call Hike leader, Gloria Marquez, 828-262-0357.

Monday, April 16, Green Knob Trail. Meet at Sims Pond Overlook, BRP milepost 295.7 at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon.

Wednesday, April 18, Caudill Cabin from Basin Creek – Doughton Park. 9.6 miles rated moderate to strenuous. Elevation gain of 1,560 ft. 34 stream crossings mostly by rock hopping. Streams are not deep or wide, but crossings may mean wet shoes. Chimneys are left standing from cabins washed away in flood of 1916. Caudill cabin is restored. Bring water, lunch and walking sticks, plus extra pair of dry socks. This is an all day hike. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Allmuth “Curly” Perzel, 336-982-8591.

Saturday, April 21,Storyteller Rock and Flat Rock. Begin at Boone Fork Parking area on the BRP. The hike will follow the Nuwati Trail to Storyteller Rock with the return trip via the Cragway, Daniel Boone Scout and Tanawha Trails. Storyteller and Flat Rock afford beautiful vistas of the Boone Bowl and beyond. Approx. 7 mi., some parts strenuous and rocky. No dogs. Contact hike leader Bill Barksdale 828-898-6977 or

Monday, April 23, Old John’s River Road to Boone Fork.  Meet at Sim’s Pond Overlook BRP milepost 295.7 at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 

Wednesday, April 25, Annual Spring Wildflower Hike in Doe River Gorge. (Carter Co. TN).  This hike follows the Doe River on a section of the old Tweetsie Railroad, which ran from Johnson City through Avery County and into Boone.  We will seek out Early Spring Wildflowers as we walk on the old ET&WNC Railroad Grade through the Gorge.  Bring your Cameras and Field Guides.  The group will sign in at the Doe River Christian Camp and will take up an appreciation collection for the camp.  Approximately 5 moderate miles (4-5 hours).  No dogs. Contact hike leader, Susan Moore, 828-733-5748.

Saturday, April 28,  McRae, Attic Window and Calloway Peaks. Begin at the Black Rock Parking Lot on Grandfather Mtn.  6 mi. round trip, this hike covers the three highest peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Steep and rocky with ladders and cables, this is a highly strenuous, all-day hike for experienced hikers.  No dogs. Call hike leader Bob Heath,  828-773-0471. 

Monday, April 30, Flat Top Observation Tower.  Meet at Cone Manor House in front of the Carriage Barn at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 


Wednesday, May 2, Mountains to Sea Trail.  We will hike an 8 mile section of the MST, beginning at Aho Gap and heading north. We will spot cars. Moderate, with some short, steep hills and one significant water crossing. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Pam Hoffman, 828-262-9779.

Saturday, May 5, Tanawha Trail. 13.5 mi. from Julian Price Park to Beacon Heights, ranges from easy to strenuous. Meet at Beacon Heights. We will spot cars at Julian Price Park picnic area. Bring plenty of water and lunch. Hike will take most of the day. No dogs. Call hike leader Bob Heath: 828-773-0471.

Monday, May 7, Tanawha Trail to Holloway Mountain Road. Meet at Boat Ramp Parking at Price Lake at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 

Wednesday, May, 9 Beacon Heights to Rough Ridge. (Watauga Co) 4.5 miles.  Rated moderate (rough and rocky in some places).  Hike through some of the most spectacular scenery in the eastern US.  See great views of the Parkway, Viaduct and Grandfather.  Includes boardwalk, wooden stairs in Stack Rock area and a walk under the Viaduct.  No dogs allowed. Contact Hike Leader at Bill Barksdale at 828-898-6977 or

Saturday, May 12, Hawksbill Mountain. Meet at Christa’s (Christa’s Country Corner, Hwy 181, Mile-marker 312 off of the Blue Ridge Parkway) Pineola, NC at 9:00 am and carpool to Hawksbill (due to limited parking). Moderate to strenuous approximately 4 miles. Bring hiking sticks, no dogs. Fantastic views of the Gorge. Stop for ice cream at Christa’s on way back. Contact hike leader, Bill Barksdale 828-898-6977 or

Monday, May 14,  Old John’s River Road to Price Lake.  Meet at Sim’s Pond Overlook, BRP milepost 295.7. at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon.

Wednesday, May 16, Elk River Falls to Jones Falls on the Appalachian Trail. We will travel to the NC/TN line to begin our hike and follow the Elk river to the intersection with the AT, then continue on to Jones Falls and and return. Moderate. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Pam Hoffman 828-262-9779.

Saturday, May 19,  Storyteller Rock and Flat Rock. From Boone Fork Parking area on the BRP. The hike will follow the Nuwati Trail to Storyteller Rock with the return trip via the Cragway, Daniel Boone Scout and Tanawha Trails. Storyteller and Flat Rock afford beautiful vistas of the Boone Bowl and beyond. Approx. 7 mi., some parts strenuous and rocky. No dogs, bring hiking sticks and lunch.  Call or email hike leader Skip Rackmill 828-355-9303 or

Monday, May 21, The Maze and Apple barn at Cone Manor.  Meet at Bass Lake lower parking area off 221 at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon.

Wednesday, May 23, Virginia Creeper Trail Bike Ride, an all day event.  The 17 mile section of the Trail from Whitetop Station to Damascus is on the old Norfolk Western Railroad Line that follows Laurel Creek  through the Jefferson National Forest.  We will rent bikes at JC’s in Damascus and shuttle to the top of the mountain.  Lunch at the Creeper Trail Cafe in Taylor Valley about 11 miles down the trail or bring your own lunch.  Make your reservations early. No dogs. Contact leader:  Susan Moore, 828-733-5748. 

Saturday, May 26,Price Lake Loop starting from the Boone Fork Trail at the Price Lake picnic area. No dogs permitted. Contact hike leader, Roger Bodo 828-964-2079.

Monday, May 28, Rich Mountain.  Meet in parking area for Trout Lake off Shull’s Mill Road at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon.

Wednesday, May 30,  Elk Knob State Park, 2.6 miles with a 1,200 foot climb on newly-constructed switchback trail. Beautiful view at the top, in one of NC’s newest state parks. Explanatory signs point out mountain views. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Skip Rackmill, 828-355-9303 or


Saturday, June 2, Old Johns River Road (BRP milepost 296) down to the river, then backtrack and go up to Shulls Mill and then retrace our steps back to the starting point. Approximately 4-5 miles, moderate with some strenuous parts. Bring a lunch, hiking sticks and no dogs. Contact hike leader Skip Rackmill, 828-355-9303 or

Monday, June 4, Boone Fork Trail.  Meet at Price Picnic Grounds, BRP milepost 296.5 near the restrooms. at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 

Wednesday, June 6, Flat Top Observation Tower.  Please plan to meet 9:30 am at the Carriage House Barn, adjacent to Cone Manor, Blowing Rock, NC. This will be a naturalist event with Bob describing plants in bloom or any critters such as butterflies, Red Squirrels, etc., roaming about as we hike up the gradual incline to the tower. Expect about a 2.5 to 3.0 hour loop, moderately fast-paced hike. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Bob Cantu 704-231-1997 for more information. 

Saturday, June 9, Quarterly Meeting and Pot-luck lunch at Linville Land Harbor for members and guests 11:00 am at Linville Land Harbor lakeside pavilion. Bring a dish to share. Business meeting will follow the lunch. No need to reserve, just come. Plates, utensils and beverages will be provided. Host: Sandy Sisson, 828-295-8055.

Monday, June 11, Price Lake plus.  Meet at Boat Ramp Parking at Price Lake at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 

Wednesday, June 13, Grayson Highlands Rhododendron Hike. About 2 ¼ hrs from Boone. 7-8 mile moderate to difficult hike from Massie Gap along the Rhododendron Trail to the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers (highest point in Virginia) and return via the Rhododendron Trail among huge boulders at Rhododendron Gap. Seeing the rhododendrons at the boulders and along the route in this setting with 360 degree views is one of the truly memorable experiences in the Southern Appalachians. You’ll also see wild ponies. Considerable sections of the route are rocky and include scrambling over boulders—fun, but strenuous. A great place to consider spending an extra day camping, fishing hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.  No dogs. Contact hike leader, Jeanne Berkley at

Saturday, June 16,  Carver’s Gap to Grassy Ridge.  (Gloria’s Big Birthday hike) Roan Mtn. hike, 6 mi., approx. 4 hours, rated moderate to strenuous.  Starts at Carver’s Gap parking area on the NC/TN line at the top of NC 261. Spectacular 360 deg. views along part of the AT that crosses the Balds.  Trail is rocky with steep slopes in each direction, reaching 6,000 ft. elevations.  No dogs permitted. Call hike leader Bob Heath, 828-773-0471. 

Monday, June 18, A section of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.  Meet at Thunderhill Overlook on the BRP milepost 290.4, just north of 321, at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon.

Wednesday, June 20, Grandfather Profile Trail to Calloway Peak. (Avery Co) Approx. 6 miles, estimated 5 hrs.  The scenic lower part of the trail is easy, then, there is a steady 2.5 mile uphill climb with rocky terrain near Shanty Springs to Calloway Peak where there are 360 degree vistas at 5,964’ elevation. Total climb of over 2,000 ft.  Hikers will need to sign a permit at the trailhead. No cost. No dogs allowed. Contact Hike Leader Bill Barksdale at 828-898-6977 or

Saturday, June 23,  Bass lake and Cone Manor Maze trails to Apple Barn and back.  About 3.9 miles.  Moderate to Easy.  No dogs allowed. Meet at Bass Lake parking area at 9:30 AM.  Contact hike leader, Roger Bodo 828-964-2079.

Monday, June 25, Price Lake and beyond, Meet at Boat Ramp Parking at Price Lake at 9:30. No dogs permitted. Lite-hike, will be completed by noon. 

Wednesday, June 27, Boone Fork Trail. Meet at the Price Lake picnic ground near the restrooms; near Milepost 296.5 on the BRP. We will do a 5 mile loop containing rivers, rapids, waterfalls, meadows, water crossings (easy), and rhododendron tunnels. Rated moderate but hiking sticks are suggested. No dogs. Contact hike leader, Bill Barksdale, 828-898-6977 or

Saturday, June 30,  Glen Burney.  The trail starts at Annie Cannon Gardens parking lot on Laurel Lane in Blowing Rock. The trail meanders down through a gorge past 3 waterfalls on the New Years Creek. It is 3.2 miles total. Easy going down but the 600 foot elevation change is a good workout coming back up. No dogs. Hiking sticks and a snack if you desire. Contact hike leader, Bill Barksdale 828-898-6977 or

Feature image courtesy of the Chargers and Rechargers Hiking Club website.