By Jesse Wood
On Thursday, the Boone Town Council will discuss the traffic impact that the new Zaxby’s development at the intersection of N.C. 105 and State Farm Road is expected to have on the neighborhood off of Beverly Hills Avenue now that it is open.
Prior to approving a special use permit and two variance requests, the Boone Board of Adjustment heard from residents of Beverly Heights Avenue who felt the restaurant would bring extra traffic through the neighborhood because it has two access points, one off of N.C. 105 and another off of the avenue.
The meeting packet for Boone Town Council’s Thursday meeting includes a traffic study completed in Nov. 12, 2013, by Davenport, an engineering firm.
The recommendations from the study include the N.C. Department of Transportation carrying out “their routine signal timing” at the N.C. 105/State Farm Road intersection.
At the intersection of N.C. 105 Extension/Beverly Heights Avenue, Davenport recommends the proposed site access to be striped with a yellow centerline. Other recommendations included constructing a right lane deceleration lane and site access with dual lanes at the N.C. 105 access.
The study was based on 924 net trips per day, a number that is typical of a restaurant with a drivethru the size of the local Zaxby’s, which is 3,652 square feet. See recommendations from Davenport here.